Browsing: Health Policy

What makes out of hospital cardiac arrest more survivable? New evidence shows it's the dual dispatch of EMS and Fire teams.
One more reason to pay attention to health policy: Your race or ethnic background may play a role in analyzing whether you receive pain treatment when seeking emergency medical services.
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Surprise billing has the potential to bruise the patient-physician relationship, harm patients' health, and lead to downstream problems in health care. This complex issue matters more now than ever.
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EM Resident's Editor-in-Chief investigates: When did organizational medicine become a dirty word? When did getting involved in physician administration and advocacy become uncool?
Why do patients seek emergency care? That key question can help frame the conversation about Medicaid expansion and ED volume.
Death toll 62% higher when LCMs used -- high fatality mass shootings at a higher rate in non-ban states whether or not an LCM is used. Just some of the stark statistics in this report that bring this
It is clear from this study that frequent ED users are a population with many interdisciplinary needs, and integrated data systems can help identify needs that might be otherwise obscured when focusin
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EMRA President Dr. Hannah Hughes asks, "When the incoming class of EM residents open those envelopes this spring, how many will be plagued by the fear of a program’s insolvency? What are we - their se
A look at California's efforts to take on the "Oh no!" of OON (out-of-network) provider bills who delivered care at an INN (in-network) facility. The solution changed negotiations between docs and ins