A federal lawsuit has been filed to halt the dangerous but growing practice of retroactively denying insurance claims if a condition is later deemed not to have been an emergency.
We need to pick up an important new skill, fellow residents: effective advocacy. There's a lot happening in health care policy that affects not only your patients, but also your professional future.
Good news! There are fewer surprise bills now than a decade ago. A surprise medical bill is one a patient receives from an out-of-network provider after seeking care at a facility considered "in-netw
Health Policy Journal Club: 30 Million Outside the “Golden Hour”
Certain communities appear cut off from the nation’s best trauma care. In the U.S., cohesive trauma systems began to coalesce in the 1
Tax Ills, Market Stabilization, and CHIP: What You Need to Know About the Tax Bill
Smiling with uncharacteristically good spirits for someone who has been living in the ICU for the past couple of mon