Browsing: Clinical

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The classic story of GHB intoxication you may see in your ED — “you are about to intubate a comatose patient and they wake up suddenly.” What next?
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Ventilator alarms can be the first sign of an acute process and should be addressed immediately. It’s important to understand basic troubleshooting and move beyond DOPES when managing vent alarms.
Indiana University's Clinical Informatics Fellowship Director John T. Finnell is ready to help solve the enigma about the confluence of the ED and IT.
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A look at this option for delivering supplemental oxygen in patients experiencing hypoxemic respiratory failure in emergency care.
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Released in October 2019, CRASH-3 is the latest trial exploring the benefits of tranexamic acid, this time in traumatic brain injury. The bottom line: TXA hasn't been shown to reduce mortality.
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Can participation in sports programs reduce the chances of delinquent behavior in school-age children? A sports medicine fellow weighs in.
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Review 3 cases and string together 6 quick management pearls to help you keep on your toes when a child comes into the ED with diabetic ketoacidosis.
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About 1 in 5 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy will develop atrial fibrillation. Here's how to clue in to this underlying cause of the dysrhythmia when a patient presents to you in the ED.
A 22-year-old male with a history of sickle cell disease is brought to the ED by police after he was found altered and naked outside on a rainy night.
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Before employing this nerve block when addressing shoulder dislocations, ensure familiarity with the nerve structure in the area and assess whether it will be appropriate in the patient.