Browsing: Clinical

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This specialty is ideal for emergency medicine and about ready to take off. Read on to get a grounded understanding of what it's like to care for patients extraterrestrially.
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This OTC anxiolytic might cause you a little anxiety in cases of overdose. Here's an overview on how to help affected patients.
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Fracture blisters on this patient's ankle resulted from a sock topped by a SAM splint that went through a 8.5-mile mule ride to get to an ambulance. Take in these pointers on handling such injuries an
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Symptoms of multiple myeloma can be as nondescript as weight loss, fatigue, generalized weakness, and bone pain. Focus on the classic tetrad of hypercalcemia, renal failure, anemia, and bony lytic les
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Meet three of your colleagues expanding medical care in Laos by becoming some of the first emergency medicine specialists in this developing country.
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A targeted look at the effects of radiation sickness and what measures to take for decontamination and initial treatment.
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The SEP-1 core measure instituted by CMS has been hotly debated. A new review of literature shows a lack of high-quality evidence to back up the specificity required in the sepsis bundle.
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Blunt chest trauma may be more prevalent than you realize. Sharpen your clinical gestalt by understanding the most helpful diagnostic tools, such as troponin, EKG, and echocardiography.
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A climate assessment from November 2018 comprehensively measured the current and projected state of climate change and its effects on human health. It found what we as emergency physicians should alre