Browsing: Neurology

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Concurrent acute ischemic stroke and submassive pulmonary embolism is a rare occurrence, and there is no sufficient evidence to support a particular method of management. It is important to weigh the
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Our case report supports the importance of maintaining a high clinical suspicion for intracranial hemorrhage when a postpartum female presents to the emergency department with acute neurological sympt
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Wernicke’s encephalopathy can have a subtle presentation and should be considered in any patient with altered mental status who is at risk for nutritional deficiency.
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Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a “can’t miss” diagnosis in the emergency department characterized by lower back pain. It is associated with red flag symptoms such as urinary retention or incontinence,
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Meningitis is a cause for concern when it comes to a patient in the ED. It is one of those cannot-miss diagnoses, as there are devastating neurological complications that can occur if bacterial, funga
Pneumocephalus, defined as air present in the intracranial area, is a known complication of accessing the epidural space. Patients with pneumocephalus can have a wide-ranging presentation from benign
Neurogenic pulmonary edema, associated with high mortality, can occur after any neurologic insult and is best addressed by controlling intracranial pressure.
It is important to consider West Nile Virus as a major cause of neuroinvasive disease and acute flaccid paralysis. If a febrile, altered patient comes into the ED with focal neurological deficits, it
Although post COVID-19 fatigue and weakness are common and often benign complaints, high suspicion for Guillain-Barré syndrome should be upheld when evaluating patients, as there have been numerous ca
Rare, but possible, diagnosis of epidural abscess must be considered when a pediatric patient presents with back pain. When diagnosed, carefully evaluate the risks and benefits of medical versus surgi