Browsing: Critical Care Alert

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More evidence is stacking up in favor of video laryngoscopy. The DEVICE Trial shows that when intubating critically ill patients in the ED or ICU, consider using video over direct laryngoscopy to impr
The EXTUB-OBESE study showed a decrease in extubation failure rates when extubating to non-invasive ventilation for obese patients vs. standard oxygen therapy.
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The PATCH-Trauma Trial confirms short-term benefits of tranexamic acid (TXA) for prehospital treatment of the bleeding trauma patient, despite no evidence of long-term functional benefits.
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Can methylene blue play a role in treating your patient with septic shock? This randomized control trial shows earlier vasopressor discontinuation and shorter ICU and hospital lengths of stay - but no
While it didn’t improve survival to hospital discharge or neurologic recovery vs the current standard of care, the sudden death CT (SDCT) protocol significantly improved the time and diagnostic abilit
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In a recent study, fludrocortisone added to hydrocortisone was associated with increased hospital survival, shorter hospital lengths of stay, and decreased vasopressor duration when compared to hydroc
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Consider delayed sequence intubation with ketamine in trauma patients requiring emergent airway intervention, as a 2023 study shows it was associated with a reduction in the incidence of peri-intubati
The ICE-CRASH Study examined the effects of ECMO on neurological outcomes among patients with severe hypothermia. Get the summary and the take-home points pertinent to emergency medicine.
A new study evaluates whether administering 4-Factor Prothrombin Concentrate (4F-PCC) to patients at risk of massive transfusion due to trauma reduces the amount of blood products consumed.
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The CAPE-COD Trial indicates it might be worth your time to consider hydrocortisone in managing community-acquired pneumonia in admitted patients boarding in the emergency department.