Browsing: Critical Care Alert

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Emergency physicians often are the first to diagnose and manage septic shock, making critical decisions that impact a patient's hospital course and outcomes. A recent study supports the use of propofo
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Tracheal intubation is a critical procedure on patients who are already in crisis. Is it better to choose a mask or non-invasive ventilation for preoxygenation?
When managing acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema, how do the outcomes differ between high-flow nasal cannula and noninvasive ventilation?
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ECPR continues to show promising results for patients undergoing cardiac arrest. CARL technology implements a new design that provides comprehensive monitoring and multimodal therapy to address the un
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After more than 10 years in the making, the DanGer Shock investigation sheds light on the efficacy of the microaxial flow pump in the treatment of patients with STEMI and cardiogenic shock and planned
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How reliable is the old adage, "GCS less than 8, intubate"? A randomized trial examines the effect of intubation vs. noninvasive airway management for poisoned patients with GCS less than 8.
The ECLS-SHOCK Trial investigated whether extracorporeal life support would benefit patients suffering acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock. Is VA-ECMO always the answer?
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What role does amiodarone or lidocaine play in achieving a good outcome for shockable refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest? This Critical Care Alert looks at a follow-up to the ALPS study.
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This Critical Care Alert examines a study of targeted mild hypercapnia versus normocapnia for patients who achieved ROSC after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
In this underpowered RCT, no evidence was found that TXA limits HE nor that it improves clinical outcomes by 90 days in NOAC-associated ICH. That being said, there were no major safety concerns noted