Browsing: Advancement of EM

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EMF has partnered with EMRA to provide a position on the EMF grant review committee to an EM resident or fellow. As its inaugural participant, I was invited to join in the grant application review mee
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The EMRA Research Committee interviewed 4 soon-to-be legends in the emergency medicine research community, from residents to established faculty, to understand their experiences. Our interviewees — Ma
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in emergency medicine and critical care to improve clinical decision-making, patient outcomes, and operational efficiency. However, the use of A
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During a pivotal panel discussion hosted by EMRA’s Admin & Ops Committee at ACEP23, leading experts urgently called for a paradigm shift in how ED crowding is perceived and addressed. Far from being a
Does triage create a bias that might contribute to mis-diagnosis? The Health Policy Journal Club evaluates a recent study of the Emergency Severity Index.
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Our study, examining how eclipses affect human behavior in terms of ED visits and acuity, suggests that the presence of an eclipse does not detrimentally affect human behavior. Human beings are sentie
Social determinants of health are an important and well-documented driver of health care utilization and outcomes - so important, in fact, that there's a class of ICD codes specifically for it. Are yo
Improving a physician's ability to manage electronic health records might improve not only the physician's workday, but also the patient's satisfaction. How is policy helping (or hindering) this? The
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EMRA’s Research Committee, in partnership with other EMRA committees, has compiled a quick review of some of the most practice-affirming or practice-changing papers recently published. This is by no m
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Emergency physicians use negotiation skills everyday — with both patients and peers. Building strong negotiation skills early can make long-term impacts on career progression.