Browsing: Editor's Forum

Letter from the Editor There I was, driving giddily to the Social Security Administration office on Delmar Boulevard in St. Louis. It was June 30, and I was a newlywed doctor (surely it was a mistake
Letter from the Editor And in the end, when the life went out of him and my hands could work no more, I left from that place into the night and wept — for myself, for life, for the tragedy of death’s
Letter from the Editor I couldn’t stop staring at the eerie photo I had just taken from the 7th floor of the Texas School Book Depository, peering out over the intersection of Elm and Houston. I was
Letter from the Editor I see my mail carrier about once a week. She usually arrives around 11 am, sometimes later. If I am home, I will wave from the kitchen, occasionally running out with something
Letter from the Editor I cried the first time I read general surgery resident Dr. Joshua Corso's Facebook post about his blood-stained shoes in the aftermath of the Orlando shooting. It went somethin
Letter from the Editor Spring has sprung, summer is almost here, moods and pool covers have been lifted. Residency is flying by, and like seasons, the more I know and the more experiences I have, the
Letter from the Editor I had no intention of watching the entire first season of Fuller House in one day. Instead, I had a mile-long to-do list that should have been completed before my next shift: a
Letter from the Editor If you had asked my elementary school self what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said an astronaut. I wore space suits made of painter’s coveralls, built a paper-mâc
Looking at the Past, Stepping into the Future The St. Louis International Film Festival recently featured EMRA's Emmy Award-winning documentary 24/7/365: The Evolution of Emergency Medicine. In this
Our Call to Duty As a young man I was a Boy Scout – khaki shirt, shoulder sash, merit badges, and all. Like all of the other boys in my troop, I used to stand at attention and recite the Scout oath a