Browsing: Critical Care

Who Ya Gonna Call?! A Primer on Left Ventricular Assist Device Emergencies Background Patients with end-stage systolic heart failure (defined as New York Heart Association Class IV or Ejection Fracti
The Crashing Patient with Critical Aortic Stenosis A 90-year-old male with a past medical history of severe aortic stenosis, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, and chronic kidney disease p
Post-Intubation Sedation Bridging the Gap Between the Emergency Department and the Intensive Care Unit The practice of endotracheal intubation is often executed as follows: the endotracheal tube is p
Beyond ATLS: What the Manual Doesn't Tell You All these factors coalesce in the trauma bay to create a downward spiral of shock where life-saving interventions wrestle with each other as the patient
Positively Useful: A Brief ED Guide to NIPPV It is important for the emergency physician to be comfortable directing and troubleshooting NIPPV in order to promote optimal patient outcomes. Paramedics
Preshospital Sepsis Alerts: A Stemi or Stroke Equivalent? “This is Medic 19 bringing in a Sepsis Alert, ETA 5 min.” With that alert, you mobilize your team and prepare for the patient. When they arr
Dual Defibrillation: The Achilles' Heel of Refractory V-Fib? Proposed theories as to why DD may be efficacious include the delivery of more energy to overcome the defibrillation threshold as well as
Critical Care Alert: Mechanical Ventilator Protocol A Quasi-Experimental, Before-After Trial Examining the Impact of an Emergency Department Mechanical Ventilator Protocol on Clinical Outcomes and Lu
Pain Management in Vaso-occlusive Sickle Cell Crisis Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common genetic blood disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 100,000 persons.1 Vaso-occlusive
Managing Acute Right Ventricular Failure A 50-year-old woman with a history of primary pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular dysfunction presents with one week of worsening abdominal pain. Sh