Browsing: Medical Students

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Taking a leave of absence from medical school may be exactly what you need to do your best in residency. But be prepared to prove the benefits of a gap year.
The Program Director Interview Series is pleased to feature Dorian Drigalla, MD, FACEP, who's sharing details about the Scott & White Medical Center - Temple Emergency Medicine Residency Program in Te
Few times in a medical student’s life are more exciting than the start of third year. Coursework is complete, Step 1 is in the rearview mirror, and clinical rotations are starting. It’s an entirely ne
This year marked the first time EMRA brought its resident programming to the CORD Academic Assembly. We started strong and can't wait to go back!
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Summer is here, and that means it's time to prepare for away rotations. Here are 10 easy steps to help you succeed.
The AAMC's Standardized Video Interview is entering another year of piloting within emergency medicine. If you're planning to match, you need to understand and prepare for the SVI.
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Preparing for the Match can be all-consuming. But what happens afterward? This 3-part series will explore a few key topics. We addressed housing and finances, and now we tackle professional life.
In this installment of the Program Director Interview Series, Nicole McCoin offers an overview of Vanderbilt Emergency Medicine.
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Annually, second-year osteopathic students across the country wrestle with the question, "Do I need to take USMLE in addition to COMLEX?" As the 2020 deadline for completion of the ACGME-AOA merger ap
Toxicology is a hidden gem in the world of emergency medicine subspecialties. What exactly does a toxicologist do? You might be surprised.