Emergency medicine is a specialty that answers the call to serve, be on the frontlines, and step up to challenges. Due to deep inequities embedded within this country's history, we must address the de
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves in 2021, major EM groups have once again stepped up
to provide a unified roadmap to the away rotation and eSLOE process. Class of 2022, your training may look differe
For this month’s addition to the Program Director Interview Series, we chatted with Dr. Todd Berger to learn about the Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin Emergency Medicine Resid
In this month’s addition to the Program Director Interview Series we got to chat with Dr. Sarah Dubbs to learn about training at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
In this month’s addition to the Program Director Interview Series, we got to chat with Dr. Bonnie Kaplan to learn about the Denver Health Emergency Medicine Residency Program.
In this month’s addition to the Program Director Interview Series we got to chat with Dr. Alisa Hayes to learn about the Emergency Medicine Residency Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Mil
2020 marked the first year of the new unified residency match, and the data is here. How has the merger of the ACGME and AOA paths to accreditation affected osteopathic candidates?
In this month’s addition to the Program Director Interview Series we got to chat with Dr. Matthew McCarthy to learn about the St. Vincent's Erie Emergency Medicine Residency Program in Northwest Penns
How can you put your best foot forward during residency interviews in the era of COVID-19? Virtual interviews are a change from traditional interviews, but they have been used successfully in the past