Browsing: Match

Program Director Interview Series: Butch Humbert, MD | Indiana University This month, we interviewed Aloysius "Butch" Humbert, MD, Program Director at Indiana University School of Medicine's emergenc
Navigating the EMRA Residency Program Fair at ACEP16 Attention, medical students! The American College of Emergency Physicians' Scientific Assembly, also known as ACEP16, is quickly approaching. Mark
Program Director Interview Series: Mary Westergaard, MD, FACEP | University of Wisconsin This month we interviewed Mary Westergaard, MD, FACEP, Program Director at the University of Wisconsin Emergen
How to Succeed on Audition Rotations It's that time of the year! Fourth-year medical students are leaving the nest to audition at residency programs across the country. Whether you are rotating at an
Top 10 Ways to Ace Your Away Rotations Why settle for being average, when you can be the best version of yourself? Take advice from those who know how to shine on EM away rotations – because when 4 w
What You Want to Know About EM Residency Programs As medical students, we are in love with understanding our future. If crystal balls ever become available on Amazon Prime, we'll all choose same-day
MSIV Reflections on Matching EM (Part 2) What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then From the EMRA Medical Student Council   Introduction Welcome back to part two of our MSC's reflections on matching, th
MSIV Reflections on Matching EM (Part 1) What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then From the EMRA Medical Student Council Introduction This time of year brings feelings of change to every medical studen
Diagnosing the Match: Trends in the Applicant Selection Process Diagnosis -- “to know between.” It's something we do daily as medical care providers, especially in the emergency department as we are
Tips for the Interview Trail Congratulations, EM residency applicants! The toughest part of medical school is behind you. You've taken Step 1 (and most likely, Step 2), you've completed your pre-clin