Browsing: Critical Care

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The EMRA Critical Care Committee's Roadblock series is the resuscitationist's guide to overcoming the obstacles in the normal algorithm of critically ill patients. Through this series, we will ask the
The ECLS-SHOCK Trial investigated whether extracorporeal life support would benefit patients suffering acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock. Is VA-ECMO always the answer?
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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) allows for temporary life support in cardiopulmonary failure refractory to conventional medical treatment. Given its capabilities and increasing presence in
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What role does amiodarone or lidocaine play in achieving a good outcome for shockable refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest? This Critical Care Alert looks at a follow-up to the ALPS study.
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This Critical Care Alert examines a study of targeted mild hypercapnia versus normocapnia for patients who achieved ROSC after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
In this underpowered RCT, no evidence was found that TXA limits HE nor that it improves clinical outcomes by 90 days in NOAC-associated ICH. That being said, there were no major safety concerns noted
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More evidence is stacking up in favor of video laryngoscopy. The DEVICE Trial shows that when intubating critically ill patients in the ED or ICU, consider using video over direct laryngoscopy to impr
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The EMRA Critical Care Committee's Roadblock series is the resuscitationist's guide to overcoming the obstacles in the normal algorithm of critically ill patients. Through this series, we will ask the
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Temporary transvenous pacing (TTVP) utilizes central venous access to pass an electrode into the right ventricle. TTVPs are one of the most infrequently performed procedures by emergency physicians;
The EXTUB-OBESE study showed a decrease in extubation failure rates when extubating to non-invasive ventilation for obese patients vs. standard oxygen therapy.