Browsing: December 2015

Critical Care Alert! Dabigatran Reversal Article: Pollack CV et al. Idarucizumab for Dabigatran Reversal. NEJM. 2015;373: 511-20. PubMedID: 26095746 Background Novel oral anticoagulant agents such as
What Were You Talking About in 2015?   From clinical questions to Big Life discussions, you clicked and shared your way through EM Resident 2015. We're looking forward to keeping the conversation goi
ACEP15: An Incredible Week! Boston witnessed a whirlwind of activity during ACEP15, with EMRA marking key milestones. Topping the list was the matter of representation for residents. After clear and
Emergency Medicine Wellness Week Learn to Prioritize Your Own Health ACEP as a representative organization of 34,000 physicians has a dual focus: On the one hand we promote the value of our specialty
When Lightning Strikes A 54-year-old male is brought in by ambulance after being struck by lightning while wiring a house with grounding poles. He was awake at the scene and does not believe he lost
Understanding ACEP's Clinical Emergency Data Registry (CEDR) Do you wish you had accessible information on patient outcomes based on the actions you take in the emergency department? Have you ever st
Looking at the Past, Stepping into the Future The St. Louis International Film Festival recently featured EMRA's Emmy Award-winning documentary 24/7/365: The Evolution of Emergency Medicine. In this
Cervical Spine Imaging in Pediatric Trauma A 4-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department after a high-speed motor vehicle collision. He was the restrained backseat passenger of a vehicle th
Dutch Lessons for U.S. Health Care A 51-year-old female with hypertension calls EMS for palpitations. The crew arrives on the north side of town to a large, somewhat worn apartment complex. A family