We're pleased to introduce Kellan Etter, vice chair of the EMRA Pediatric EM Committee and EMRA Medical Student Council Great Plains Regional Representative, 2020-2021.
Program: Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Your goal as an EMRA leader: While maybe generic, my goal is pretty simple: I want to be an emergency medicine physician with a voice who can shape the field for the better. I want to help propel the advancement of patient outcomes, efficiency, and physician wellness in EM, and work with others with similar interests in order to bolster these ideals. As an EMRA leader, I can start working to make this impact now while learning the ropes of how to be an advocate who can make a difference in the future. I am wicked excited to get down to work with my peers, and am eager to put in the time to grow as a leader.
What is something people don't know about you?
There is video somewhere on the internet of an Irish step dancing performance I was in for college credit.
Last non-textbook I read: "First Among Equals" by Jeffrey Archer
What's on your playlist?
More Taylor Swift than I care to admit. It's almost exclusively Taylor Swift.