EMRA Board of Directors, Leadership

Get to Know Your President-Elect: Abbey Smiley, MD

President-Elect Abbey Smiley | The Ohio State University | @AbbeySmileyMD

What's your first priority as an EMRA board member?
I ran for EMRA President committed to ensuring the best possible future for our residents, our specialty, and our patients.

As the healthcare climate and the emergency medicine workforce continue to evolve over the coming years, it is imperative that residents, as the future of our specialty, are both well-informed and well-represented. I’m a big believer that change happens when people come together to start having conversations, even when those conversations might be difficult to have.

It’s with that spirit of transparency and collaboration in mind that makes one of my highest priorities bringing these important conversations to residents and helping to foster collaboration across all EM organizations. 

What is the best advice you've ever received? 
Be kind to yourself and others. Embrace challenges as an opportunity to grow. 

How do you recharge after a tough shift? 
For me, recharging from shift looks different depending on the day. However, whether it’s as simple as listening to music on my drive home, curling up with a hot cup of tea, grabbing a post-shift meal with my co-residents, or lifting at the gym, taking a few minutes out of my day to decompress is a key part of my day. My favorite recharge? Coming home and being greeted by my dog! Nothing makes the day melt away more.

What is something people don't know about you?
I played in the orchestra through college and started (one game) on my college's rugby team. 

1 skill you want but don't have (yet): Fluency in a second language - Spanish

1 skill you have but don’t (necessarily) want: A high caffeine tolerance

Does pineapple go on pizza?

Favorite comfort food (or drink): Chicken tikka masala and garlic naan with a hot cup of spearmint tea

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