EMRA Board of Directors, Representative Council

New Board: Vice Speaker of the Council Dr. Tracy Marko

Tracy Marko, MD, PhD, MS
Health Partners Institute/Regions Hospital


What are your 2 key goals as an EMRA board member?

One goal is to increase involvement in the Representative Council. I would like to hear from more residents, fellows, and medical students, so that EMRA can better serve all of its members. A second goal is to encourage and provide support for resident engagement in ACEP state chapters. This includes opportunities for participation at a state and federal level, such as involvement in ACEP Council as alternate councilors. 

How will you support EMRA members, and how can they support the specialty:
I am excited to work with the Representative Council as Vice Speaker and to interact with members through town hall discussion to learn how EMRA can best support its members. I will actively listen to the ideas, viewpoints, and feedback of EMRA members. I will also engage with residents, fellows, and medical students who want to be involved in shaping the future of emergency medicine, supporting them in their pursuit of personal professional goals. EMRA has a vast number of leadership roles and opportunities to develop skills and facilitate learning and advocacy experiences. 

Why is serving in a leadership role important to you?
I am passionate about advocacy and health policy, and I want to help others use their voices to advocate for what is important to them. I am excited to serve EMRA in the role of Vice Speaker using the skills that I have acquired through prior experiences. I also look forward to developing new skills as an EMRA board member, which I can further utilize in future roles. Giving back to the specialty and being a part of its future is important to me. 

What do you see as they biggest challenge for the specialty in the next 5 years?
The uncertain political environment and looming legislation on balanced billing likely will greatly impact our specialty and provide challenges for its future. Additionally, defining the role of the emergency medicine physician within the emergency department is another area that will impact our specialty’s future. Our collective and individual voices are important to advocate for emergency medicine physicians. 

Reason you chose emergency medicine: 
Emergency medicine allows you to care for anyone and everyone who comes through your door. I love the blend of resuscitation, procedures, critical care, discovery, and providing comfort and reassurance when appropriate. Never knowing what your day is going to look like keeps the work interesting, as every day is different and presents its own unique challenge.

Favorite procedure (to date):

Most-used app on your phone:
Pandora- Need to Breathe station

Beach or mountains?
A beach view from the mountains!

Last song stuck in your head:
“Look Up Child” - Lauren Daigle

What goes on pizza?
Everything… except pineapple and Canadian bacon

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