EMRA Spotlight, Medical Student Council

Meet David Wilson

We're pleased to introduce David Wilson, EMRA Medical Student Council Editor, 2020-2021.

David Wilson.jpgProgram: Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

Your goal as an EMRA leader: I hope to arm my fellow medical students with the tools they need to be tomorrow's EM physicians!

Why serve as an EMRA leader?
I was lucky to have some early exposure to EM as a scribe. I am serving as an EMRA leader to excite and inform students who didn't have the benefit of learning about the (best) specialty before their 4th year of medical school. Am I allowed to say EM is the best when I'm still a student and have so much to learn?

What is something people don't know about you?
I've never met a Rubik's cube I couldn't solve.

Last non-textbook I read: Nick Offerman's "Good Clean Fun"

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