We're pleased to introduce Shannon Burke, MD, vice chair of the EMRA Education Committee, 2020-2021.
Program: University of Wisconsin
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal as an EMRA leader is to be able to hone my leadership skills while building lasting relationships with fellow emergency physicians. As a member of the Education Committee, I hope to be able to bring great resources to residents and EM-bound medical students. While doing this, I also want to be able to further learn how to support medical students and residents as they go through the often-trying years of medical education.
What is the best advice you've ever received?
Wash your hands immediately after cutting hot peppers because you will touch your face.
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Someone who works in Student Life at a university. I love to plan and participate in different activities and I really enjoyed working as an orientation guide in undergrad, medical school, and within my residency.
Favorite Twitter feed: Can I say Instagram? It's @animalsdoingthings.