EMRA Board of Directors, President's Message


It was one year ago that EMRA announced we would be moving our spring programming to the CORD Academic Assembly. As advocates for physicians-in-training, it made sense for EMRA to be at the emergency medicine conference focused on student and resident education, where we would have the most opportunity to interact with residency program and clerkship directors. Last month, hundreds of residents came to San Antonio to participate in EMRA and CORD events during Academic Assembly! Here are the highlights…

Leadership Academy
Nearly 100 #EMRALeaders participated in the kickoff for our Leadership Academy. Members of the EMRA Board, EMRA Committees, EMRA Reps to ACEP, EMRA Medical Student Council, and EMRA Representative Council were divided into teams for a scavenger hunt on the Riverwalk. Participants learned to quickly build rapport, establish roles, divide tasks, seek consensus, and had an opportunity to debrief about communication and leadership styles.

EMRA Representative Council
Representatives from 49 residency programs participated in the Spring 2018 meeting of the EMRA Representative Council. Bylaws amendments were passed to allow fellows at programs not affiliated with residency programs to independently vote, and to allow the EMRA Medical Student Council Chair to have a vote on the EMRA Board of Directors so long as each appointment is confirmed by the Rep Council. RepCo also adopted policies on procedural sedation and opioid harm reduction, stating that graduation from an EM residency should be the only credential needed to perform sedation with access to an unrestricted breadth of pharmacological agents, and that physicians-in-training should receive teaching about risks of opioid prescribing and alternatives to opiates, and that EMRA should support increased access to naloxone, needle exchange programs, and ED-initiated medical assisted therapy. A bylaws resolution to end the reciprocal membership between EMRA and ACEP was defeated. The Town Hall featured robust discussions of firearms-related injuries and MOC. Resolutions are forthcoming.

The inaugural meeting of All EM Resident Organizations and Students (AEROS) was a huge success. Leaders from EMRA, AAEM-RSA, AAMC-ORR, ACOEP-RSO, AMA-RFS, CORD, and SAEM RAMS met to discuss the AAMC Standardized Video Interview, procedural sedation, proposed changes to the ACGME Common Program Requirements, and overapplication to residency. While we planned for this to be an annual meeting, the discussion was so productive, we will meet again at ACEP18, where EM workforce issues will be a major topic of discussion.

EMRA Quiz Show
Kudos to the EMRA Education Committee for another amazing EMRA Quiz Show! A big thanks to Rosh Review for their sponsorship. And congratulations to this year’s winners… Mount Sinai BETH ISRAEL!

Chaos in the ED
Thanks to the hard work of EMRA’s Simulation Committee, the first-ever Chaos in the ED event was a big hit — and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our incredible sponsors: ACEP, SonoSite/ Fujifilm, Simulab, and SonoSim, plus above- and-beyond contributions from the ACOEP RSO. Competitors signed up by correctly answering a PEER question, and teams were formed by lottery. They competed head-to-head in a series of procedural demands that culminated in an airway challenge featuring multiple MVC victims trapped in a car (shout out to ACOEP RSO for building the car on-site!).

Check out the CORDAA photo galleries to see the fun in retrospect!

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