Leadership, Representative Council

10 Ways You Can Help End Trafficking

Note: Per policy adopted in 2016, the EMRA Representative Council continues to support the need for human trafficking training, research, policy development, and collaboration with organizations that work with victims of human trafficking.

1. Know the Signs

Learn the red flags and indicators of trafficking. Challenge common myths about trafficking with facts.

Human Trafficking Myths

2. Report a Tip
Contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline if you have any concerns about a potential trafficking situation. Call 1-888-373-7888, text HELP to BEFREE (233733), or email help@humantraffickinghotline.org.

3. Spread the Word
Share and display HHS Look Beneath the Surface and DHS Blue Campaign awareness resources in your community. Let everyone know that the National Human Trafficking Hotline is here to help.

4. Think Before You Shop
Consider how you shop and eat. Who made your clothes? Who prepared your food? Calculate your Slavery Footprint, and know which goods may be produced by child or forced labor.

5. Tell Your Friends: Demand Fuels Exploitation
The U.S. Government has zero tolerance policies for employees, uniformed service members, and contractors paying for sex. Learn more about the Federal Acquisition Regulations and human trafficking.

6. Volunteer Locally
Ask anti-trafficking organizations in your community how you can support them. Perhaps they need volunteers or you could help with an awareness event.

7. Stay Informed
Sign up for DOJ human trafficking news alerts, follow relevant organizations on social media, read reports as they are released, or check out OTIP’s newsfeed.

8. Register for Training
OTIP’s National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center trains public health professionals and the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center supports the criminal justice system.

9. Use Your Skills
Can you train or hire survivors? Reach out to potential local partners. Do you work in a school? Propose anti-trafficking protocols. Are you an attorney? Offer pro-bono services. Writing a story? Use media best practices. Work in hospitals or clinics? Encourage your colleagues to register for the SOAR to Health and Wellness training.

10. Raise Your Voice
Ask representatives how they are addressing human trafficking. Let them know what your community needs.

From: Office on Trafficking in Persons, An Office of the Administration for Children & Families

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