Leadership Reports

EMRA Rep Council Prepares for Fall 2018 Meeting

We are preparing for the next meeting of the EMRA Representative Council (RepCo), which convenes Tuesday, Oct. 2, in San Diego, in conjunction with ACEP18. There’s a lot to be done, and we need your help. 

Shaping Policy through Resolutions
Do you think we need to take a stand on an issue? EMRA members can submit resolutions on any topic pertaining to EM residency or the practice of emergency medicine. These resolutions will be evaluated for possible adoption as official EMRA policy.

Before a resolution becomes policy, it goes through several steps.

  • Step 1: Submit your resolutions via the EMRA website. The early deadline is Aug. 18. Emergency resolutions may be submitted up to Sept. 22.
  • Step 2: All EMRA members should review pending resolutions online and offer feedback to the EMRA Representative at their residency program.
  • Step 3: Pending resolutions are presented in a Public Hearing and subsequent Reference Committee Work Meeting (both scheduled Monday, Oct. 1). Language is discussed, amended, or abandoned during these meetings.
  • Step 4: Final resolutions are presented to the full RepCo for debate and a vote. This fall, that vote takes place during the Oct. 2 RepCo Meeting.

Electing the EMRA Board
In addition to resolutions, the RepCo elects members of the EMRA Board of Directors. We will fill 5 vacancies in October, including:

  1. President-elect
  2. Vice Speaker of the Council
  3. Resident Representative to the ACEP Board of Directors
  4. Director of Membership
  5. Director of Health Policy

If you want to run for the EMRA Board, submit your nomination by Aug. 18. Then show up Oct. 2 to make your bid for the position you want. Members will be able to browse your candidacy packet online ahead of the vote, and the RepCo will cast ballots on Oct. 2.

Who Has All this Power?
RepCo is composed of residents chosen to be the voice of their respective programs. These EMRA Program Representatives commit to sharing EMRA news with their fellow residents, understanding the will of the group on any matter put to a vote, and attending the two in-person meetings per year in order to vote on their program’s behalf. (RepCo now facilitates virtual voting for EMRA Program Reps who can’t travel.)

We will hold conference calls to discuss the resolutions in September in preparation for the meeting, and we’re looking forward to seeing EMRA members in-person at the fall meeting. All members are encouraged to attend!

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