Today, chemical warfare agents (CWAs) may pose a greater hazard to civilians than soldiers.
The threat of chemical warfare is hardly novel. Traditionally used by armies to break a stalemate against relatively defenseless targets (those lacking masks, antidotes, and easy mobility), today, chemical warfare agents (CWAs) may pose a greater hazard to civilians than soldiers. The use of sarin during the ongoing war in Syria and of mustard gas and tabun (GA) during the Iran-Iraq war is evidence of this fact.
Furthermore, industrial chemicals such as phosgene, ammonia, and chlorine are not only cheap, but also easy to manufacture. They are thus potentially attractive agents to low-tech terrorists seeking to injure large groups of people and instill fear writ large.
What follows is a review of only the most lethal forms of CWAs. Divided by class, it includes the most common agent names, their mechanisms of action, acute clinical presentations, and specific treatments.
Nerve Agents

Treatment consists first and foremost of decontamination. The removal of all clothing and irrigation with copious water is critical to limiting toxicity not only to the patient, but also to first responders. Providers should cut off clothing (and thus avoid pulling it over the patient's head), and store it in airtight bags.
Atropine, an anti-muscarinic, is the primary treatment modality. It should be titrated to the correction of respiratory symptoms (ie, it should be given until one sees adequate improvement in bronchoconstriction and respiratory secretions). Pralidoxime (2-PAM), another potential therapy, reactivates inhibited cholinesterase compounds. It must be given prior to aging — the time at which compounds become irreversibly inhibited. Unfortunately, as aging can occur within minutes, 2-PAM is of questionable clinical utility. Seizures, in turn, may be managed with benzodiazepines, such as diazepam.3-4
Blood Agents

Given their high volatility and mechanism, the effects of these agents tend to be diametric: Should a patient withstand initial exposure, s/he is anticipated to recover with minimal complications. Victims who survive to hospital presentation will benefit from decontamination, hydroxocobalamin, and 100% oxygen administration. If hydroxocobalamin is not available, amyl or sodium nitrite followed by sodium thiosulfate is indicated.3-4,6-7

Toxicity is achieved through multiple mechanisms, most significantly via direct damage to DNA. Interestingly, but not unexpectedly given its mechanism, sulfur mustard toxicity is delayed and dose-dependent. Dermal vesicles and bullae form 4-12 hours after exposure and can progress to partial and even full thickness burns. Ocular exposure may cause corneal damage and blepharospasm, resulting in temporary blindness. Respiratory symptoms range from cough and hoarseness to pneumonitis and tracheobronchitis.3-4,6
Mortality typically results from pulmonary injury or complications from dermal compromise. There exists no specific antidote to mustard agents. Treatment consists principally of decontamination and supportive measures: cut off the patient's clothing and irrigate him or her extensively with soap and water..
Pulmonary Agents

Patients initially have oropharyngeal pain, mucosal edema, and stridor. These symptoms may in turn progress to respiratory distress, pulmonary edema, and hypoxia, culminating in respiratory arrest. As with the agents above, the mainstay of treatment is decontamination and supportive care. Once again, providers should cut off clothing and store it in airtight bags. Remove contact lenses and rinse eyes thoroughly if there is evidence of irritation or ocular exposure.
While other kinds of CWAs exist, the aforementioned are the most common. It should be acknowledged that in the acute setting it may be difficult to distinguish between agent types. Fortunately, there is significant overlap in treatment, rendering specific agent identification less immediately relevant. An emergency medicine physician need only recall the core principles of decontamination, stabilization, and supportive care; all other information can (and should) be sought from a local poison center or toxicologist.
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