Research Committee

Research Committee

Research Leaders


Charles Sanky, MD, MPH

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Chair Elect

Anna Heffron, MD, PhD

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Vice Chair

Michael Makutonin, BS

George Washington University

Assistant Vice Chair

Laura Harding-Jackson, DO, PhD

University of Michigan Medicine

Assistant Vice Chair

Jose Reyes, MD

Cook County Health & Hospital Systems

Assistant Vice Chair

Katrina A. Muraglia, MD, PhD

University of Michigan

EMRA Rep to the AMA

Anna Heffron, MD, PhD

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY
Contact Anna

Staff Liaison

Josh Lindsey

Web Product Manager
Contact Josh


Charles Sanky, MD, MPH

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Chair Elect

Anna Heffron, MD, PhD

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Vice Chair

Michael Makutonin, BS

George Washington University

Assistant Vice Chair

Laura Harding-Jackson, DO, PhD

University of Michigan Medicine

Assistant Vice Chair

Jose Reyes, MD

Cook County Health & Hospital Systems

Assistant Vice Chair

Katrina A. Muraglia, MD, PhD

University of Michigan

EMRA Rep to the AMA

Anna Heffron, MD, PhD

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY
Contact Anna

Staff Liaison

Josh Lindsey

Web Product Manager
Contact Josh

Committee Videos

Machine Learning Series #4 ML Implementation and Business Incentives

In this final session of the ML Speaker Series, we'll guide you through the the incentives governing ML project viability, project monitoring, and how to design project outcomes/endpoints successfully. This session will be the capstone to our series this year, and teach you the fine details of translating your QA improvement ideas into a project that survives the test of time. With our expert panel of EM doctors, health IT business leaders, and other luminaries, you'll get a great basis for understanding why ML algorithms succeed or fail after their creation.

Watch Now!

Getting Started in EM Research

Join us for a session with emergency medicine research faculty, residents, and medical students to explore ways to get started in research. Whether you are measuring your medical education intervention to performing public health work, this panel will discuss ways to use research to explore your passions. We will discuss mentorship, project design, and the entire process from idea to publication.

Watch Now!

Machine Learning Series #3 Intro into Informatics and Healthcare Design

In this session, we'll guide you through the comprehensive process of implementing ML/CDS algorithms. From administrative considerations to data quality, design, and monitoring, we've got it all covered. Gain insights into the intricacies of making machine learning work seamlessly in a clinical setting, especially when you are first starting out!

Watch Now!

Machine Learning Series #2 Intro into Data Science Principles

Heard of machine learning but aren't a coder? Did you see a new automated score in your ED but have no idea how it's made? Worried about ChatGPT but don't know where to start? Then this series was made for you!

Watch Now!


Machine Learning Series #1 Intro into Clinical Machine Learning

Heard of machine learning but aren't a coder? Did you see a new automated score in your ED but have no idea how it's made? Worried about ChatGPT but don't know where to start? Then this series was made for you!

Watch Now!

Lit Blitz: 2020’s Highest-Impact Research, presented by the EMRA Research Committee

Join EMRA's Research Committee for a rapid-fire review of EM’s top articles of 2020.

Watch Now

Case-Con 2020 - We Went Virtual

A huge success! Thank you to the 30 participants.  This year we were virtual at ACEP20 with both medical students and residents for our third annual case study presentation. Congratulations to our 2020 winners, who we hope to feature in an upcoming edition of EM Resident.

Watch the videos

Research Journal Club

Periodically, the EMRA Research Committee meets to discuss articles, journals, and abstracts related to Emergency Medicine.

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Fresh-Baked COVID-19 Updates with EMRA and Brief19

First, Dr. Kimi Chernoby will help us all with some quarantine wellness by walking us through a bread dough prep, and then the Brief-19 team will answer your COVID-19 Health Policy and Research questions (you can submit your questions when you register for the call!)

Kimi Chernoby, MD, JD, MA
Editor, Policy Briefs | Brief19
Chief Resident
Emergency Medicine

Indiana University

Jermey Faust, MD, MS, MA
Editor-In-Chief, Policy Breifs | Brief19
Emergency Physician
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Joshua Niforatos, MD, MTS
Editor, Research Briefs | Brief19
Emergency Medicine
Johns Hopkins 

Watch Now

Joining EMRA Committees is easy and FREE.

Just log into your EMRA account, scan the QR code, or click the JOIN NOW button for the one(s) you wish to join.

EMRA Committees are all hosted on WhatsApp to help facilitate communication and collaboration in the smoothest way possible.

Committee Objectives

  • The Research Committee Chair serves as a representative to the Emergency Medicine Practice Research Network.
  • Develop comprehensive resource for students and residents interested or currently involved in emergency medicine research.
  • Review survey requests received by the EMRA Board of Directors (for distribution to the general membership).
  • Act as EMRA’s internal organizational research resource for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting membership data.
  • Promote Research grants and assist with follow-up and publication in EM Resident magazine
  • Improve communication with the membership by active communication of opportunities, updating of projects, via resources such as the EMRA blog, Monthly What's Up E-Publication, resident monthly and email list.
  • Create education resources for EMRA members wanting to participate in research (i.e. grant writing work shops).
  • Generate research on available EM education and educational tools.

Research Funding Opportunities

Medical Student Resources

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EMRA Local Community Action Grants

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Resident Research Grant

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EM Foundation

Goto EMF




Survey Policy

See the EMRA Member Survey Policy

Med Student Resources

Grant opportunities and helpful links for Med Students

Research Articles

View Research Articles in EM Resident Magazine


ACEP EM Research Section

As a resident, you get joint memberships in both EMRA and ACEP - so make sure you're aware and informed of what the ACEP Emergency Medicine Research Section is doing!

When you set up your EMRA/ACEP membership, you get (2) section memberships for free - one to the ACEP Young Physician Section, and one of your choice. Why not make that choice Research?

Additional ACEP section fees are half off - only $20

Learn More

Must-Read EM Journal Articles


ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator Must Read EM Journal Articles – 2016 Edition

36 must read articles.

  • 12 for junior residents.
  • 12 for senior residents/attendings.
  • 12 controversial topics.

Emergency Medicine Literature’s Top Practice-Changing Articles

Ryan Radecki, MD, MS
August 2016

Read Articles

EMRA Fellowship Guide

Chapter 21 Research Fellowship

Emergency medicine research fellowships are a non-ACGME-accredited post-graduate training opportunity for emergency medicine (EM) residency graduates interested in pursuing a career in basic and clinical research. The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) has approved a subset of eligible research fellowships that have met a number of milestones based on predetermined guidelines. Fellows who complete a research fellowship at a SAEM-approved site receive a certificate of approval upon completion. Emergency medicine is a dynamic specialty that relies heavily on evidence-based medicine to guide everyday practice. EM is an ideal specialty for studying acute emergencies with a broad mix of patients and conditions. The proportion of academic faculty involved in research and the proportion of studies published in emergency medicine journals that have research funding has been climbing (Karras, 2006 and Birkhahn 2006). Emergency medicine research is growing quickly, and fellowship training has been one successful pathway to increase EM research success.

Go to Chapter 21

Emergency Medicine Research Handbook for Residents and Medical Students

Published: December, 2012

This handbook is the result of over two years of discussion within the EMRA Research Committee about how to assist emergency medicine residents and medical students who are just getting started in research. The scholarly project that all emergency medicine residents are obligated to complete during residency is an opportunity to get your feet wet in research, discover answers to clinical questions you may encounter in your practice, and maybe even find meaningful mentorship that will outlast residency

Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!

EMRA Member Price $17 // ACEP Member Price $25 // List Price $27

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