EMRA Member Survey Policy

EMRA Member Survey Policies

The policies below are excerpts from EMRA's Policy Compendium.


Research surveys may be submitted by any EMRA member in conjunction with an EMRA Committee Leader or Board Member, or by an EMRA Committee Leader on behalf of an EMRA Committee.

Research survey requests shall include a background, methodology, survey questions, IRB approval status, target audience, and publication goals. Research surveys intended for publication in peer-reviewed journals or abstract submission at national conferences should have approval from an Institutional Review Board prior to distribution.

Research surveys shall first be submitted to the EMRA Research Committee for review. Feedback may be provided to survey authors by members of the EMRA Research Committee to help clarify or refine questions prior to distribution.

The EMRA Research Committee, Board Liaison, and Staff Liaison will approve the research survey and decide the ideal method of distribution, frequency, and timing of release. Any research survey may be referred to the EMRA Board of Directors for approval by the request of the EMRA Research Committee Board or Staff Liaison.

Additionally, certain appropriate research surveys may be approved for expedited review, this request needs to be clearly indicated on the submission form with the deadline. Any board member can initiate this expedited review as well, based on their discretion. Ultimately, all final decisions with research survey distribution lies with the EMRA President and the EMRA Board of Directors. 

Findings from all research surveys distributed to EMRA membership should be submitted to EM Resident magazine or on EMResident.org if possible, unless precluded by submission elsewhere.

Research surveys should not solicit or advocate for commercial items and must also not engage in predatory tactics, with any potential conflicts to be arbitrated by the EMRA Research Committee.


The distribution of member emails will be limited to occasions by which the executive director feels that dissemination of such information is important for promoting the mission and goals of EMRA. Member emails will not be released to outside organizations.

Would you like to submit a non-scientific survey? Please reach out to emra@emra.org with any questions.

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