EMRA Case-Con 2020
Case-Con 2020 - We Went Virtual
A huge success! Thank you to the 30 participants. This year we were virtual at ACEP20 with both medical students and residents for our third annual case study presentation. Congratulations to our 2020 winners, who we hope to feature in an upcoming edition of EM Resident.
Watch the videosMedical Student Champions:
- First Place: Leah A. Goldberg (Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University) presenting Identifying E-Cigarette Associated Lung Injury in the COVID-19 Era
- Second Place: Jace Bradshaw (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences) presenting Ultrasound-Assisted Diagnosis of Embolic Cerebrovascular Accident from Left Atrial Myxoma in the Emergency Department
- Third Place: William Bennett (University of North Carolina School of Medicine) presenting Twice in a Blue Moon? Recurrent Pneumothorax in a Woman of Reproductive Age
Resident Champions:
- First Place: Catherine Yu, MD (Rutgers New Jersey Medical School) presenting Watch The Airway! A Case of Angina Bullosa Hemorrhagica
- Second Place: Bassam Zahid, MD (Stony Brook University) presenting Pancreatitis: The Great Mimicker
- Third Place: Keya Patel, MD (Rush University Medical Center) presenting A Serendipitous Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain
Medical Student Cases
William Bennett, MSIII
Twice in a Blue Moon? Recurrent Pneumothorax in a Woman of Reproductive Age
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Michael Bezzerides, MSIV
A Case of Status Epilepticus; An Uncommon Sequelae of a Well-Known Disease
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Allison Boynton, MSIV
A Rare Case of Simultaneous Bilateral Patellar Tendon Rupture
Touro University Nevada
Jace Bradshaw, MSIV
Ultrasound-Assisted Diagnosis of Embolic Cerebrovascular Accident from Left Atrial Myxoma in the Emergency Department
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Peter Bryant, MSIV
A drug by any other name: DRESS syndrome in Georgetown, Guyana
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Jordyn Cohen, MSIV
A Case of a Clot in Transit: An Intracardiac Thrombus Identified by Bedside Ultrasonography in the Emergency Department
Florida Atlantic University Schmidt College of Medicine
Rich Dowd, MSIV
Shock in OUD: ABCs first but don't forget HPA!
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Bradley Emmerich, MSIV
A Kink in Her Neck?
University of Missouri School of Medicine
Leah A. Goldberg, MSIII
Identifying E-Cigarette Associated Lung Injury in the COVID-19 Era
Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University
Colton Junod, MSIII
“Everything But The Kitchen Sink”, Multiple Ring-enhancing Lesions in a Previously Healthy Teen
Indiana University School of Medicine
Lauren Malaya, MSIII
Spontaneous Splenic Rupture From Massive Splenomegaly Due To Hairy Cell Leukemia
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Jett McPherson, MSIII
Penile Mondor's Disease: Rare or Just Underdiagnosed?
Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
Lenexa Morais, MSIV
Air Should Not Be There: A Case of Enterothecal Fistulas, Pneumorrhachis, and Epidural Phlegmon
University of Texas Medical Branch
Thanh Nguyen, MSIV
Not all chest pain is ACS: A Case of Sick Sinus Syndrome
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
James Snitzer, MSIV
Pass the sugar! A case of persistent hypoglycemia
Emory University School of Medicine
Resident Cases
Dr. Chelsea Ausman, PGY3+
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in a Postpartum Patient Presenting with Group A Strep Throat
Dr. Thomas Bebekoski, PGY2
Ohhh, You (Spontaneously) Take My Breath Away...!
Henry Ford Macomb Hospital
Dr. Gary Bhagat, PGY3+
Turkey in the Chest: Massive Hiatal Hernia with Gastric Volvulus
University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria Campus
Dr. Catherine Divingian, PGY1
Lifevest Fail?
Citrus Memorial Hospital
Dr. Matthew Johnson, PGY1
Tough to Swallow and Harder to Breathe, A Case of a Forgotten Disease
Georgetown University Hospital / Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Joseph Kim, PGY2
“Myxed” Differentials for Shortness of Breath: A Case of a Large Atrial Myxoma
Zucker Emergency Medicine at Northshore/LU
Dr. Ryan Lee, PGY2
A Can't MIS(-C) Diagnosis
Christiana Care
Dr. Marcos Marugan-Wyatt, PGY2
Pyogenic Extensor Tenosynovitis Visualized and Diagnosed with Bedside Ultrasonography
UCF/HCA Healthcare GME Consortium of North Florida
Dr. Keya Patel, PGY3+
A Serendipitous Diagnosis...Recognizing a Dangerous Cause of Shoulder Pain
Rush University Medical Center
Dr. Nishad Rahman, PGY2
When It’s NOT “Just a Headache”: A Case of Mollaret’s Meningitis
St. John's Riverside Hospital
Dr. Matthew Rivera, PGY1
Is That a Uterus or is That the Colon? An Unusual Case of Clostridium Perfringens Gas Gangrene
Northwell Hospital - Southside Hospital
Dr. Kyle Santee, PGY3+
Hypertriglyceridemia-Induced Acute Pancreatitis: An Interesting Cause of Pseudohyponatremia
Kent Hospital
Dr. Mack Sheraton, PGY1
An Unusual Multi-systemic Presentation of Invasive Mucinous Ovarian Cancer
Trinity Medical Center West MSOPTI
Dr. Catherine Yu, PGY2
Watch the Airway! A Case of Angina Bullosa Hemorrhagica
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Dr. Bassam Zahid, PGY3+
Pancreatitis: The Great Mimicker
Stony Brook University
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Nov 08, 2019
EMRA Case-Con 2019
A huge success! Thank you to the 30 participants. This year we expanded to include 2 groups of competitors of medical students residents that came out to present this year at our second annual case study presentation contest. Congratulations to our 2019 winners, who we hope to feature in an upcoming edition of EM Resident.

May 10, 2023
Case-Con Applications Open!
Do you have an interesting or uncommon patient encounter or case study you would like to present in front of judges? Then Case-Con is the event for you! Submit a page-long abstract of your case report, prepare a poster presentation and come ready to tell your story to judges made up by a panel of EM Residents and Faculty! Case-Con 2023 will be @ACEP23 in Philadelphia this year! Submit your case report for a chance to present on a national stage! The initial round only requires a one page submission. Deadline for abstract submission: July 14 Finalists notified: July 31- August 4 Case-Con at ACEP23: Oct. 9