
Louisa Weindruch, DO

Resident | Baylor University Medical Center | Dallas, TX

To my fellow EMRA members:

Like many of you, my passion for EM started as an ED scribe. I became a medical student during the height of COVID. I applied to residency during the 2023 Match. I've seen our speciality endure unprecedented times and still come out on top thanks to incredible advocacy. Each day, you advocate for your patients. I am running for President-Elect so that I can advocate for you.
I hope to prioritize issues that affect us on a daily basis, like physician mental health. I want to make our EDs better places to train by advocating for stronger residency requirements and raising awareness on issues like ED boarding and violence. I hope to maintain and expand EMRA's educational resources and grow leadership opportunities for members.

Organizational leadership is part of who I am. I've held positions with TCEP and ACOEP in addition to my roles within EMRA. My experience will help me connect with others and bring us together to achieve common goals.

Over the past 3 years, this community has made me a stronger leader and physician. As President, I hope to give back by working together to make our specialty better than ever.

Pauline Wiltz, DO

Resident | University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center/Case Western Reserve University | Cleveland, OH

I am excited to announce my candidacy for EMRA President-Elect. With a deep commitment to our organization and a vision for its future, I am eager to lead EMRA through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Having served as Resident Councillor for Ohio ACEP, Chief Resident of my residency program in Cleveland, and as a current fellow of the EMRA Health Policy Academy, I understand the diverse needs and aspirations of our community at local, state and national level. My experience in leadership, advocacy, and grassroots organization makes me an ideal candidate for this opportunity. If selected as EMRA President-Elect, I will be contributing a desire to learn, a tenacious work ethic and motivation to effect change within our specialty.

I am dedicated to advancing our mission by focusing on three key areas: increasing member engagement through innovative initiatives, advocating for policies that support our professional growth, and ensuring effective and inclusive communication between leadership and members. Together, we can build a more dynamic and responsive organization.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I look forward to working together to achieve our collective goals and to ensure EMRA remains a vibrant, diverse, and supportive community.

President Elect

The first year of this three year term is the President-Elect year as described in the table below.

The second year is spent as President, responsible for all interactions with other groups inside and outside EM and the official voice of EMRA.  The President also presides over all association meetings except those of the Representative Council and its committees.

The third year is spent as the Immediate Past President (IPP) & Treasurer, providing continuity and historical background to the Board as an advisor and peer mentor to its members.  The IPP also serves as: chair of EMRA’s Finance and Awards Committees; liaison to the Council Credentials and Tellers Committee; member of the Emergency Medicine Foundation Board of Trustees; Ex Officio member of the Emergency Department Practice Management Association board of directors; member of the ACEP Finance Committee.

Election Annually
Term 3 years (President Elect, President, Immediate Past President)
Requirements It is strongly recommended that candidates for President Elect have prior leadership experience within EMRA.
  • Essentially functions as the Vice President in EMRA’s Executive Council, training for your year as President where you will then function as the Chairman of the Board and the official voice of the organization
  • Ensure fiduciary integrity and accountability of EMRA’s actions
  • Serve as editor of EMRA’s monthly newsletter, What’s Up in EM
  • Oversee EMRA representatives to external organizations 
  • Manage and oversee EMRA Reps to the ACEP Sections
  • Appoint Medical Student Council members with assistance from the MSC Chair and EMRA’s Director of Education
  • General responsibilities as a voting member of the Board of Directors (misc projects, monthly board meetings, write for EM Resident magazine)
  • Represent EMRA members at ACEP Council

Extensive (average 4-7 days per month)
Includes such meetings/conferences as:

  • Monthly EMRA Board of Directors meeting (virtual attendance)
  • ACEP Scientific Assembly (Oct)
  • ACEP Board of Directors’ Retreat (Dec)
  • EMRA Board of Directors’ Retreat (Jan)
  • ACEP Media Training (Dec)
  • ABEM Site Visit (every 2 years)
  • CORD Academic Assembly (March/April)
  • Leadership & Advocacy Conference (May)
  • SAEM Annual Meeting (May)
  • ACEP/EMF Corporate Council Meeting (July)

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