EMRA Introduces the Government Services Committee for Military Medical Students and Residents

ENS Matthew J. Christensen; USNR, Capt Joshua da Silva, DO, USAF; 
LT Katherine Lee, DO, USN; LT Danielle Wickman, MD, USN

The ACEP Government Services Chapter was founded in 1977 to give military physicians a platform and community that understood and advocated for the unique needs of military emergency physicians. EMRA is now proud to introduce our newest committee, the Government Services Committee (EMRA GS), with that same mission in mind: to provide military medical students and residents with the network and community they need to thrive in the dynamic world of military EM.

EMRA is proud of the resources and mentorship it provides to all student and resident members and the Government Services Committee is currently building a collection of military medicine- and EM-specific resources to share with its members as the new committee takes shape. We hope to facilitate connections between the many servicemen and women who are already part of the EMRA family, and to establish a support network to promote mentorship, research, and leadership between civilian and military emergency medicine residency programs.

Presently, EMRA GS leadership is hard at work developing content for the ACEP19 Scientific Assembly. This year, there are plans for EMRA GS to co-host the MedWARS simulation competition, host a military EM speaker panel, and hold an evening social event to increase awareness of the committee and to facilitate the in-person connections that are essential to the military emergency medicine community. Keep your eye on the ACEP19 EMRA Events Calendar as details are confirmed.

Future direction for EMRA GS includes fostering our connections with the ACEP GS Chapter, increasing awareness of the committee at ACEP19, and recruiting motivated resident and student leaders to continue the momentum of our current leadership. In addition to building a sustainable connection with the EM residency programs of each branch, we hope to be a resource for military medical students and residents training in civilian programs who may not have access to the full resources available at military facilities around the country. Long-term plans to engage with civilian residency programs and highlight military-specific case studies or opinion pieces targeted towards the larger EMRA community are also in the works.

This is not the first time EMRA has taken initiative to recognize and support the military EM community. EMRA annually recognizes one outstanding military medical student, resident, or alumnus each Fall to receive the Steve Tantama, MD Military Excellence Award, with a monetary prize to the winner in addition to a $1,000 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project in the awardee’s name. While the 2019 nomination deadline has passed, be sure to bookmark the link to nominate a deserving servicemember in the future.

What does EMRA GS currently need?

  • Motivated medical students to serve as branch representatives, acting as points of contact for branch EM residencies and assisting the EMRA GS leadership in maintaining updated resources on our EMRA committee website.
  • Residents willing to serve as mentors for our student members.
  • Attendings willing to serve as mentors for our resident members.

While we are excited to create a community that builds connections between EMRA’s military members, membership of EMRA GS is not exclusive to current members of the military. Any civilian medical student or resident interested in learning more about the many scholarship and career opportunities available through the United States Armed Forces is welcome to join, as is any EMRA member with prior service. Or perhaps you simply want to include military physicians in your professional network. In any case, EMRA GS has you covered.

The information and resources available through EMRA GS will continue to grow as we establish ourselves within the EMRA community. For information about how to get involved, to apply for available student representative positions, or for additional general information please visit the EMRA GS Committee webpage or email govtservices@emra.org.

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