How To Transition Leadership of an EMIG

Transition periods are almost always confusing and difficult. We want to provide a simple and comprehensive framework to make those EMIG transition periods nearly effortless, so that your EMIG can maintain the momentum you built. Through this guide, the new EMIG board will be prepared for a successful and fun year!

Create a Transition Guide

A great EMIG transition guide should be a document that can be easily updated year to year and should include basic information including a brief description of the EMIGs history, mission statement, and the roles and responsibilities of each board member. You should also include information on past events held by your EMIG with regards to topic, budget, attendance, and any contact information for residents or faculty that supported each event. This guide should also include information on how to access your EMIG’s email and member list. Although the election of a new leadership team will vary institution to institution, you should take time to make sure your EMIGs transition guide is updated prior to elections.

Look back to plan your next year!

Oftentimes, it is useful to create a calendar or agenda list to brainstorm and plan events for the upcoming year. You can help your incoming EMIG leaders by detailing past activities and events for new ones to also succeed. Below, we list many of the typical things EMIGs plan for.

Local Events

  • Highlight and detail events that your EMIG typically hosts so that your incoming board members can pull it off just as successfully as you.
  • If possible, connect with residents at your home institution and ask them for advice
  • This is a great spot for current board members to list past events and ideas.
  • For further ideas, visit “Ideas and Activities for EMIGs” - organize into themes/categories to help generate ideas for events

EMRA Student Involvement

  • Join EM committees on specific areas of interest to receive the most up-to-date info
  • Encourage members to connect with a mentor through the EMRA mentorship program
  • Test your physical fitness and mental prowess at EMRA MedWAR
  • Join us for fun and stimulating conversations at EMRA Hangouts

Initial EMIG Transition

  • Once elections are held and a new board is voted in, it is important to hold a Transition Meeting between the outgoing and incoming board; additionally, it may be helpful for one-on-one meetings for specific roles.
  • Update your school’s student affairs office on the new leadership team. Grant access of EMIG email, google drive, or other resources to new board members
  • Connect new board members with local and national contacts
    • Find your EMRA MSC representative here
  • Grant access of EMIG supplies and funds to new board members
  • Review and update an annual EMIG Calendar for the interest group
  • Encourage a 1 month transition period to best allow new board members to accommodate to their role

Large Annual Conferences with offerings for EMRA student members

  • CORD Academic Assembly (March-April)
  • ACEP Scientific Assembly (October)
  • ACEP Leadership and Advocacy (June-July)
  • Feel free to list out regional/local conferences and events to this list as well! Conferences are an excellent way to network and learn about emergency medicine outside of your institution.
    • For more information on regional/local conferences, feel free to reach out to your EMRA MSC representative

Apply to Receive the EMRA EMIG of the Year Award

Congratulations on reaching the end of your term! Highlight your success by applying below.

  • Applications open February and are due April 30th
  • For more information, see this page

Express Gratitude for a local EM faculty member

  • Your time as an EMIG board member is coming to a close, but don’t forget all the great EM people who helped you along the way!
  • Conclude the end of your term by nominating an EMIG advisor to receive a certificate of appreciation

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