Case-Con Presenters: Medical Students and Residents

Case-con: EMRA's Research Presentation Competition

When: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Time: 1 - 5 pm Pacific Time
Where: Mandalay Bay Convention Center

No longer accepting applications.

Medical Students and Residents: Enter Your Case Study in EMRA Case-Con!

Do you want to present an interesting emergency medicine case at one of the largest EM national conferences? Are you looking for a way to strengthen your EM residency application? Are you interested in a chance to win national recognition, publication on the EMRA Research Committee website, and an awesome swag bag too?

If so, the EMRA Research Committee would like to invite all EMRA medical students and resident members to participate in the third-annual Case-Con, EMRA’s EM case study poster presentation contest, taking place ACEP Scientific Assembly in the fall. This is a fantastic opportunity to become a better presenter, network with residents and faculty from institutions around the country at many institutions, and also take advantage of EMRA's other programming and residency/job/fellowship fairs while you're in town for the conference.

Complete presentations will include a 5-minute presentation to judges and audience followed by 2 minutes of group discussion and questions. Presentations will be judged by a panel of EM senior residents and faculty. Three medical student and three resident winners will be selected and awarded with signed certificates, publication of their case poster on the EMRA Research Committee website, and some fun EMRA swag..

Step 1: Get a Case

Emergency medicine cases with an uncommon presentation of a common illness, unique pathology, novel treatment technique or interesting pictures make great case studies. Meet with the attending or resident you worked with and ask them their take on the case. Is there a lack of awareness of the disease? Is there a meaningful teaching point to be made? Was a mistake made? How does your case relate to EM? Case studies serve a function as research in our medical community by giving physicians a more standardized method to sharing stories and anecdotal evidence. Share your story too!

Note:  Previously published posters or abstracts are not eligible for Case-Con.

Step 2: Submit an Abstract

Case study abstracts should be at maximum one page in length (3000 characters) and divided into an Introduction, Case Description, Discussion, and Conclusion. The discussion and conclusion are your true places to shine. Do a literature search. Research other cases like yours and provide a review of these cases in your discussion. How is your case different? Cite your references with footnotes and include the full reference list on another page. The conclusion should be brief and be the take-home message of why you have written the case. Make sure to have a notable learning point the reader can remember. Don’t be afraid to include an attention-grabbing title to finish your abstract off.

Submit Your Abstract Today

Abstracts will be accepted through mid June 2022. The top abstracts will be selected by late July 2022 and move on to the next round: the poster presentation.

Step 3: Submit a Poster

If your abstract is selected, give yourself a pat on the back. Next, create a poster not exceeding 4 feet by 6 feet. Get pictures from your case, including medical imaging, to include in your presentation. Remember to de-identify the images. Images are a favorite of the audience! Do not include any Protected Health Information on the poster.

Submit a finalized PDF file of your poster by the poster submission deadline listed on the EMRA Case-Con front webpage. Print your poster, most school campuses have a poster printing office students may use.  Bring your printed poster to Case-Con.

Step 4: Present at Case-Con

Prepare a presentation no longer than 5 minutes. This presentation will be given standing next to your poster. Following will be 2 minutes for the judges and audience to ask questions. 


Signed certificates and swag bags will be presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of both categories (medical students and residents) during a brief award ceremony following the competition. Photos of the winners will be posted to the website. Additionally, the three winning medical student and resident abstracts will be featured on the CaseCon website indefinitely.

Questions? Contact the EMRA Research Committee Case-Con Team at

We look forward to seeing you at EMRA Case-Con!

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