EMRA Spotlight, Education Committee

Meet Erin Karl, MD

We're pleased to introduce Erin Karl, MD, chair of the EMRA Education Committee, 2020-2021.

Erin KarlProgram: University of Nebraska

Your goal as an EMRA leader: Some of you know me as the "left banana" co-host of EMRA's 2019 Quiz Show, but hopefully most of you know me from my national work with EMRA. My journey with EMRA began 4 years ago. After first serving as the Midwest Coordinator on the EMRA Medical Student Council (MSC), I then led the MSC as Chair from 2017-2018. During residency, I have served on the Education Committee as a Vice Chair and then Chair-Elect. This upcoming year, I am excited to lead the Education Committee as Chair. I am a PGY-2 at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, where I will be the Chief Resident of Medical Student Education next year. After residency, I will complete a fellowship in medical education, with the ultimate goal of becoming a clerkship director. My #1 goal as an EMRA leader on the Education Committee is to bring the new ideas of my committee members to life! This year, led by our Vice Chairs of Medical Student Education, we are hoping to build on the medical student presentation and consultation card that was released at ACEP19 by putting together a medical student documentation guide, which we plan to house on the EMRA website. Led by our Vice Chairs of Resident Education, we are also planning on updating all of the medical education fellowships on EMRA Match, as well as highlight each fellowship with a MedEd Fellowship Director Interview Series, which we plan to link to each program’s EMRA Match profile. Of course, we are continuing to produce some of your favorite EMRA events, such as the Quiz Show and 20 in 6. As mentioned above, my ultimate goal as an EMRA leader is to bring the new ideas of my committee members and leaders to life. If you have a new idea for an EMRA educational resource, have a new project/event idea, or you are interested in getting more involved in the Education Committee, you can reach us at through our committee page at emra.org.

Why serve as an EMRA leader?
Of course, serving as an EMRA leader has opened doors to amazing professional opportunities for me, but my favorite thing that being an EMRA leader has given me is my #EMRAFam. Obviously my #EMRAFam includes my fellow resident (and medical student!) EMRA members and leaders, but most importantly at the heart of my #EMRAFam are our EMRA staff. EMRA staff are like big brothers and sisters - they are there to help bring all of our crazy ideas to life, give us advice when we need it most, and they are the life of the party at the #EMRAParty!

What is something people don't know about you?
My fiance and I met on Bumble, where my opening line was, "#1 on my bucket list is to successfully run and win The Amazing Race, so I am looking for the perfect teammate. Please list your qualifications below." His answer was not only the best, but he then sassily counter asked me why he should select me to be his partner. It worked; I am marrying him. PS: CBS if you are reading this right now, you have found your next winning team!

What's on your playlist?
I have been aggressively attending Ed Sheeran concerts since 2012 (current count = 12), so Ed is on all of my playlists!

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