EM Resident

Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease From the July 2014 issue of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice, “Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Emergency Department: Managing Flares and Long-Ter
What Were You Talking About in 2015?   From clinical questions to Big Life discussions, you clicked and shared your way through EM Resident 2015. We're looking forward to keeping the conversation goi
ACEP15: An Incredible Week! Boston witnessed a whirlwind of activity during ACEP15, with EMRA marking key milestones. Topping the list was the matter of representation for residents. After clear and
Christopher I. Doty, MD, FACEP, FAAEM Medical school: Thomas Jefferson University Residency: SUNY Downstate and Kings County Hospital Current position: Program director and vice chair for Education,
Syncope in Adult Patients From the April 2014 issue of Emergency Medicine Practice, “Syncope: Risk Stratification and Clinical Decision Making.” Reprinted with permission. To access your EMRA member
Urinary Tract Infection in Children From the May 2014 issue of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice, “Urinary Tract Infection in Children: Emergency Department Diagnostics and Interventions.” Repri
20 in 6 Resident Lecture Competition Delivers Good Times, Great Insight at ACEP15 We promised a rollicking good time, and 15 talented, creative, and well-spoken residents delivered. Our inaugural 20
Rich Levitan, MD, FACEP Rich Levitan, MD, FACEP How many frequent flier miles have you racked up this year? It's a safe bet Rich Levitan has at least doubled you. Between clinical shifts in Colorado,
Be the Change Project Addresses ICU Boarders Editor's Note: In 2014, a team from Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Illinois, was awarded the EMRA Be the Change Grant for their “ICU Boarders
Mosquito-Borne Illnesses: Malaria, Dengue, and West Nile Virus From the May 2014 issue of Emergency Medicine Practice, “Emergency Department Management of Mosquito-Borne Illness: Malaria, Dengue, and