Burnout isn't just a buzzword in EM - it’s a lived reality. EMRA President Dave Wilson reflects on a key treatment for burnout: belonging. Build your lifelong professional community, starting with EMR
SLOEs are arguably the most influential piece of a medical student's application to an EM residency. Yet, there is an important distinction from other factors such as board scores, grades, and experie
This month our Program Director Interview Series gets to know a newly accredited program in Georgia. We got to talk with Dr. Josh Mugele about his program at Northeast Georgia Medical Center.
In this month’s addition to the Program Director Interview Series, we got to chat with Dr. Bonnie Kaplan to learn about the Denver Health Emergency Medicine Residency Program.
Reports of Intimate Partner Violence have significantly increased since mandated stay-at-home orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In this setting, how can you be attuned to patients at ris