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EMRA Simulation Guide
Section 5 of 14
Section 5 of 14
CARDIOVASCULAR - Heart Block (Mobitz Type I)
Learning Objectives
- Manage a patient with symptomatic bradycardia
- Create a broad differential for a patient with bradycardia
- Order appropriate studies to elucidate the cause of patient’s clinical deterioration
- Recognize need for early consultation
- Perform transcutaneous pacing
Critical Actions
- Obtain IV access with two large-bore peripheral IVs
- Early fingerstick glucose
- Place patient on cardiac monitor with continuous oxygen saturation monitoring
- Ask for a full set of vital signs including HR, BP, oxygen saturation, and temperature
- Ask for and interpret appropriate labs (CBC, Coagulation Profile, Cardiac Biomarkers, Chemistry)
- Administer atropine
- Perform transcutaneous pacing
- Counsel patient
- Provide analgesia
- Check for mechanical capture
- Obtain EKG, CXR
- Reassess patient and vital signs
- Call appropriate consultations (Cardiology, ICU)
- Use closed-loop communication
- Summarize case to team or consultant
- Bonus: Prepare for transvenous pacing