Ultrasound On Demand Videos
Topic: Q&A Pediatric Ultrasound
Jim Tsung, MD
Professor, Pediatrics
Professor, Emergency Medicine
Mount Sinai
Topic: Ultrasound for DVT and PE
Jacob Avila, MD
Core Ultrasound
5-Min Sono, Creator
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Kentucky
Medical Director of Point-of-Care Ultrasound, University of Kentucky Medical Center
Ultrasound Fellowship Director, Ultrasound Director for the Medical School and Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Director, University of Kentucky
EM Resident Articles
Topic: Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks
Arun Nagdev, MD
Director, Emergency Ultrasound
Department of Emergency Medicine
Highland General Hospital
UCSF Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound for COVID-19
The Ultrasound Committee hosts a free webinar to discuss sonographic signs of COVID-19 and infection control and prevention.
Akash Desai MD
Resident, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
EMRA Ultrasound Committee Chair
Michael D. Zwank, MD
Ultrasound Fellowship Director
Regions Hospital in St. Paul, MN
Gabriela Lopes, MD
Ultrasound Fellow
Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME
Lauren McCafferty, MD
Ultrasound Fellow
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, OH

Topic: Ultrasound Fellowships
Jennifer Carnell, MD, FACEP
Director of Emergency Ultrasound at Baylor
Christine Butts, MD
Director of Emergency Ultrasound at LSU
Trent She, MD
Emergency Ultrasound Fellow at Mount Sinai St. Luke's
Turandot Saul, MD, FACEP
Director of Emergency Ultrasound at Mount Sinai St. Luke's

Ultrasound Fellowships
July 1, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Miguel Reyes interviews Dr. Maxwell Thompson on the ins and outs of ultrasound fellowship.