2022 - 2023 International Committee Leader Spotlight
Kimberly Herard, MD, Chair of the EMRA International Committee, 2022-2023
Program: Emory University
Your goal as an EMRA leader: To ensure opportunities are available for residents and students interested in global health, to ensure the practice of sustainable global health, and to provide education necessary for building strong physicians.
What is something people don't know about you? I love desserts but hate chocolate!
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Teacher or FBI agent
Did you pick up a new quarantine hobby? Doing puzzles, learning to roller skate.
Favorite life hack for night shifts: Don't ever sit down! (Okay, not the best hack but it is how I stay awake without coffee!)
What's the last non-textbook you read? Homecoming by Yaa Gyasi
What's on your playlist? R&B from the 80s-00s
Pierre-Carole Tchouapi, Chair- Elect of the EMRA International Committee, 2022-2023
Program: Kings County/Downstate Emergency Medicine
Your goal as an EMRA leader: To continue fostering community/mentorship, and creating opportunities for individuals with a love and passion for international medicine ideally through immersive experiences both locally and abroad.
What is the best advice you've ever received? "Pace yourself, and always give more than you receive"
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: A Cook or restauranteur; something to do with food and feeding people
Favorite life hack for night shifts: Hiball sparkling water + cliff bar cool mint
What's the last non-textbook you read? "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
What's on your playlist? Afrobeats on repeat
Spencer Cohen Rushton, DO, Vice Chair of the EMRA International Committee, 2022-2023
Program: University of Arizona
Your goal as an EMRA leader: Educated fellow EM residents and physicians on the opportunities and needs that exist within International Medicine.
Why get involved in a professional society? I want to work with peers that have similar interests as my own and that have the passion to make sustainable change.
What is something people don't know about you? I run ultramarathons
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Own and run my own bakery
Did you pick up a new quarantine hobby? Does becoming a father count?
Favorite life hack for night shifts: I don't know if its a "hack", but I am fueled by Diet Coke and thats the only way I survive night shifts
What's on your playlist? The Tallest Man on Earth on perpetual repeat
Michaela Banks, MD, MBA, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA International Committee, 2022-2023
Program: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Your goal as an EMRA leader: To make International Emergency Medicine and policy more accessible to those who are interested
Top 3 traits of a great leader:
1. Patience
2. Adaptability
3. Ability to engage others
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: An event planner or ambassador
What's the last non-textbook you read? The Vanishing Half
Daria Hunter, MD, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA International Committee, 2022-2023
Program: Mayo Clinic
Your goal as an EMRA leader: To improve quality and access to EM medical education and QI procedures in international community
Natalie Strokes, DO, MS, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA International Committee, 2022-2023
Program: Baystate Medical Center
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal as an EMRA leader is to highlight emerging and ongoing emergency medicine opportunities around the world
Why get involved in a professional society? To meet and connect with people who have similar interests and goals and ultimately create changes that will benefit our communities and patients around the world
Top 3 traits of a great leader:
1. Communication
2. Dedication
3. Delegation
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Travel photographer
Favorite life hack for night shifts: Coffee and a good attitude
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