Trailblazers in Emergency Medicine : CCM
The EMRA Critical Care and D&I Committees hosted a fireside chat discussing the integral role of women and URiM in EM-CC. This discussion will launch an initiative designed to increase representation and mentorship for URiM and women in emergency medicine critical care fields.
Marie-Carmelle Elie, MD, FACEP, FCCM, FAAEM, RDMS
University of Florida
Cindy Hsu, MD, PhD
University of Michigan
Namita Jayaprakash, MD
Henry Ford Health System - Detroit
Marianne Wallis, MD
University of Colorado
Susan Wilcox, MD, FACEP, FCCM, FAAEM
Massachusetts General Hospital

Diversity & Inclusion Committee
We aim to promote the continued growth of emergency medicine to reflect the patients whom we serve. By promoting mentorship and scholarship of diverse individuals and celebrating and learning from those who have come before us, we hope to ensure culturally competent quality care to all our patients.
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Critical Care Committee
Looking to sharpen your skills in the resus bay? Launching a career in the ICU? The Critical Care Committee is devoted to providing up-to-date information for your sickest patients. With vents, drugs/bugs and acid/base, we’re the Committee for your inner nerd as it pursues one of the hottest fields in emergency medicine.
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Feb 25, 2021
Trailblazers in Emergency Medicine : CCM
The EMRA Critical Care and D&I Committees hosted a fireside chat discussing the integral role of women and URiM in EM-CC. This discussion will launch an initiative designed to increase representation and mentorship for URiM and women in emergency medicine critical care fields.