Hope Allen, DO

Geisinger Medical Center |  Danville, PA

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Hi, my name is Hope and just like my name, I am hoping to be your next EMRA Resident Representative to the to the ACEP Board of Directors.

I currently serve as the EMRA Program Representative at Geisinger Medical Center. This experience has motivated me to seek election and expand my involvement in EMRA serving you, fellow residents, on the EMRA Board. The
position of the EMRA Program Representative to the ACEP Board of Directors is important because it gives us, as residents, a direct voice to contribute to meaningful improvements and positive changes in the future of Emergency
Medicine. I want to be the spokesperson and serve as that voice on behalf of EMRA to the ACEP Board of Directors. I have cultivated the leadership experiences, within EMRA, and within my own residency program to effectively serve in this position. I currently serve my residency in recruitment efforts. This has given me the chance to work collaboratively with both my fellow residents and faculty. I am a passionate advocate for my fellow residents, and I will bring that enthusiasm to this position.

In closing, I would be honored to receive your support and your vote. Thank you!

Lindsay Davis, DO, MPH

Central Michigan University | Saginaw, MI

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View Lindsay's CV

I am excited for the opportunity to be elected as the resident representative to ACEP to represent EM residents to the ACEP board. This role is a bridge that connects the future of our specialty with the present, a way to share EMRAs opinions and bring back information to EMRA members. As an EM resident I feel that I embody a passion for this specialty and a commitment to our patients due to understanding the core issues of emergency medicine, social determinants of health, and our vision for the future.

There are many issues facing residents, including workforce issues, burnout and more. I attended this year's Leadership and Advocacy conference to help give a voice to the legislative issues that ACEP and EMRA are working together to advance. It is important for us as residents to have a voice. I want to be a voice on these issues. I am passionate about continuing the legacy of EMRA of supporting all emergency medicine residents to be the best we can be, the best supported we can be and to be able to do the best for our patients. It would be my honor to serve as the resident representative to ACEP.

Aaron R. Kuzel, D.O., M.B.A.

Fellow | University of Louisville School of Medicine | Louisville, KY

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View Aaron's CV

My goal is to ensure your voices as residents are equally represented in decisions affecting your practice in the emergency medicine community. I will work diligently to continue growing leadership opportunities in EMRA while
working with our EM organizational partners to build lasting collaboration. There are many issues and opportunities confronting our specialty; I will ensure the in-training voice is present in all decisions as we are the future of the specialty.

I have been honored to serve in leadership within EMRA and hope to bring this experience to better serve you. As the EMRA representative to the Rural EM Section, I have worked with members to discuss the future of rural practice in EM residency training and encouraging opportunities for emergency physician led teams in rural EDs. Additionally, I worked as a resident representative to my state’s ACEP Chapter and as a delegate to the Kentucky Medical Association advocating for adequate PPE and improving resident wellness throughout the pandemic.

I am committed to defending the autonomy and practice of emergency medicine across the nation including preserving the exceptionality of this profession. I thank you for your consideration and look forward to creating a better future for emergency medicine, together.

Resident Representative to ACEP (elected in even-numbered years)

The ACEP Representative must make a two-year commitment to EMRA. Your travel requirement will consist of the general board travel (ACEP Scientific Assembly (October), CORD Academic Assembly (April), the ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference (May), EMRA Board Retreat (January).  In addition, you must be able to attend ACEP Board meetings (4 times per year) and other events as they arise.   In addition to general board duties, your responsibilities include: 

  • Serve as the EMRA voice to the ACEP Board of Directors. At these meetings, you will report on EMRA activities. In addition, you will be asked for input on certain issues, where you provide the collective resident opinion on any issues brought before the ACEP Board
  • Recommend EMRA Representatives to serve on ACEP Committees. ACEP encourages EMRA residents  to serve as representatives on their committees
  •  Manage EMRA Representatives serving on ACEP committees 
     Being familiar with all current issues in emergency medicine and providing EMRA's stance on these issues
  •  Write regular articles for EM Resident
  •  Serve as the board liaison to the EMRA Committees and Divisions as assigned.

If you are interested in running for this position,

contact EMRA's current ACEP Rep

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