Listen to your HEART (score): Documentation and Litigation with Dr. Michael Weinstock

Listen to your HEART (score): Documentation and Litigation with Dr. Michael Weinstock

March 17, 2025

In this episode, @ucmax_show host and @embouncebacks author Dr. Michael Weinstock chats with EMRA*Cast's Dr. Lauren Rosenfeld, breaking down documentation to avoid litigation with a focus on a common presentation: chest pain. Learn how to use the HEART score and avoid a courtroom.


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Lauren Rosenfeld, MD

George Washington University
Emergency Medicine Residency Class of 2026
@laurenatoregon on X; @laurenkrosenfeld on IG
EMRA*Cast Episodes


Michael B. Weinstock, MD

Associate Emergency Medicine Residency Program Director 
Director of Research and CME
Adena Health System

Professor of Emergency Medicine, adjunct, Department of Emergency Medicine
The Ohio State University

Risk Management Section Editor, EM:RAP
Editor-in-Chief, UC:RAP

Author of the Bouncebacks! series 



Doctors spend up to 2 hours on documentation for every 1 hour with patients, yet we have limited to no training on charting. With their documentation, emergency physicians must make medical decisions while weighing the chance of malpractice claims and the risk for clinical deterioration after discharge. How can we use evidence-based decision tools such as the HEART score to aid our decisions? How do we tell an accurate story with our documentation that minimizes legal risks? Dr. Michael Weinstock breaks it down with tips for your daily practice.

Discussion Questions 

Is there a way to anticipate which patient presentations are prone to rapid deterioration or an inaccurate diagnosis and which patients will then subsequently initiate a lawsuit? What bad habits do we all have when it comes to documentation in general? What recurring themes arise in chest pain litigation? Does the HEART score help or hurt our clinical practice? 


  • Most emergency physicians (75%) will be sued during their career, but most lawsuits (68%) will be dropped, dismissed, or withdrawn. Only a small percentage (7%) will go to trial, though the verdict is usually ((85-90%) for the defense. 
  • The most common reason for legal action is a failure to diagnose, but studies show a good bedside manner and appropriate documentation may help avoid a lawsuit. 
  • Despite limited training on documentation, we spend an average 2 hours charting for every 1 hour with patients--to the tune of 4,000 mouse clicks per shift!
  • Tips for documenting:
    • Address every complaint in the HPI
    • Be specific in the exam with target “rule-out” 
      • Not only pertinent positives, but pertinent negatives
        • Ex: erythema, no crepitus or necrosis
        • Ex: Child is A&O, running down the hall 
    • We all love an EMR Macro, but make sure you add to it! 
    • Repeat exams/assessments 
    • For your MDM, it’s okay to use plain English to make an argument for why you think “A” is occurring, and “B/C/D” is less likely. 
  • Upon discharge, ensure that the patient understands whether there is “diagnostic uncertainty” and that discharge instructions are 1) action-oriented and 2) time-specific.
  • One of the most common presentations in the ED, chest pain, represents 8–10 million visits per year, with acute myocardial infarctions being the diagnosis with the highest ratio of paid-to-closed claims. 
  • Risk stratification in chest pain patients may be aided by the introduction of high-sensitivity troponin and evidence-based decision tools such as the HEART score; however, it’s important to see these scoring systems as consideration tools, not diagnostic tools. 
  • ACEP guidelines allow for a 1-2% acceptable miss rate and studies show most patients with low to moderate HEART scores can safely be discharged home with appropriate understanding and 1-2 week follow-up. 


For even more information, check out the new edition of Bouncebacks!, which has actual deposition and trial testimony, real cases, and tons of documentation tips! 

Special thanks to Dr. Matt DeLaney for his help with this episode.

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