EMRA*Cast Host
Miguel A. Reyes, MD
Hackensack University Medical Center
EMRA*Cast Episodes
EM Resident Articles

Simulation Fellowships with Dr. Aga De Castro
July 15, 2020
EMRA*Cast Host Dr. Miguel Reyes discusses what events led Dr. De Castro to be interested and eventually pursue a simulation fellowship, what it’s like being a sim fellow, what the fellowship looks like, the various kinds of sim fellowships, and different career possibilities you can pursue with the fellowship.

Toxicology Fellowships with Dr. Kevin Baumgartner
July 1, 2020
EMRA*Cast Host Dr. Miguel Reyes sits down with Dr. Kevin Baumgartner to discuss Toxicology Fellowships. Listen in as they discuss what events led Dr. Baumgartner to be interested and eventually pursue a toxicology fellowship, what its like being a tox fellow, what the fellowship looks like, and different career possibilities you can pursue with the fellowship.

A Conversation with Dr. Salim Rezaie
April 15, 2020
Dr. Miguel Reyes sits down with EMRA 45 Under 45 winner Dr. Salim Rezaie to discuss REBEL EM, productivity, and how to improve ourselves 1% each day.

Pediatric EM Fellowships
February 15, 2020
In this episode, Dr. Miguel Reyes meets with Dr. Jessica Wall to discuss Pediatric EM fellowships and all it entails.

Why You Should Do A Medical Education Fellowship
December 15, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Miguel Reyes meets with Drs. Sara Paradise Dimeo, Guy Carmelli, and Michael Shamoon to discuss medical education fellowship and all it entails.

Administrative Fellowships
September 15, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Miguel Reyes and Dr. Alicia Kurtz discuss why people would choose to go into an administrative fellowship and what that entails.

On The Brink of Chief
July 15, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Tiffany Proffitt and Dr. Miguel Reyes talk with a panel of newly elected chiefs about their hopes, fears, and plans in their chief year.

Ultrasound Fellowships
July 1, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Miguel Reyes interviews Dr. Maxwell Thompson on the ins and outs of ultrasound fellowship.

Surviving First Year as Academic Attending
April 15, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Miguel Reyes speaks with Dr. Edgar Ordonez about what it’s like to be an academic attending and what it felt like the first year out.

FOAMed with Dr. Salim Rezaie
January 15, 2019
In this episode Dr. Miguel Reyes interviews Dr. Salim Rezaie about how best to approach and use FOAMed (Free Open Access Medical Education) as a resident.
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Nov 28, 2018
Critical Care Alert: Measuring Lactate vs. Capillary Refill in Guiding Resuscitation in Shock: Is there a difference?
When trying to resuscitate patients with septic shock, which offers better guidance for intervention: measuring capillary refill or trending lactate levels? The Andromeda SHOCK trial studied patients with early septic shock to shed light on treatment options.