EMRA*Cast Host
Isaac Agboola, MD, MS
Yale New Haven Medical Center
EMRA*Cast Episodes
Disaster Preparedness with Dr. Antonio Dajer
September 1, 2020
On this EMRA*Cast, Dr. Agboola sits down and talks to Dr. Dajer about his experience working as a physician during 9/11. Additionally, he gives his personal approach to disaster planning.
Show NotesPalliative Care in the Emergency Department
May 15, 2020
In this episode, Drs. Isaac Agboola and Karen Jubanyik discuss Palliative Care in the Emergency Department. They cover a wide range of subjects including: How to deliver “Bad News”, navigating surrogate decision makers, and the “Surprise Question”.

Flashback Friday: Cultural Competency and Cognitive Bias
Originally released: Jan. 15, 2020
In this episode Dr. Isaac Agboola and Dr. Sheryl Heron discuss cultural competency and how it affects cognitive bias in the ED. They unpack important terminology and discuss specific patient populations who are at risk; They also discuss studies that have demonstrated the need for cultural competency among physicians.

Burnout: The Elephant in the Room
November 1, 2019
In this episode, Doctors Agboola, Chung, Kurtz, and Doty discuss the topic of “The Elephant in the Room: ‘Burnout’”. They spend time discussing: Defining the term of burnout, How to recognize symptoms of burnout in others, Getting past the platitudes of “yoga & exercise”, Moral injury, The Unspoken Curriculum, and Models of Wellness.

Flashback Friday: Apply Smarter, Not Harder
Originally Published: August 15, 2019
In this episode Dr. Agboola and Dr. Jarou venture into the oftentimes convoluted task of applying to Emergency Medicine residency. They discuss common pitfalls and misconceptions, giving evidence-based advice on how to increase success in applying whether it be to a community or educational setting. This episode is primarily geared towards medical students applying as well as advisors for these individuals.

Diversifying the Face of Emergency Medicine
June 15, 2019
In this episode Dr. Agboola and Dr. Diaz discuss the complex topic that is diversity and the role it plays in medicine and specifically EM.

Transgender Care in the ED
March 15, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Isaac Agboola speaks with the authors of the EMRA Transgender Care Guide to provide residents with helpful advice on the approach to the care of transgender patients in the ED.

Flashback Friday: First Day of Residency -- Now What?
Originally published: December 15, 2018
Dr. Isaac Agboola along with a group interns from across the country approach how to navigate the challenging parts of residency outside of just the basic science.
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Nov 28, 2018
Critical Care Alert: Measuring Lactate vs. Capillary Refill in Guiding Resuscitation in Shock: Is there a difference?
When trying to resuscitate patients with septic shock, which offers better guidance for intervention: measuring capillary refill or trending lactate levels? The Andromeda SHOCK trial studied patients with early septic shock to shed light on treatment options.