Honoring Our Past, Embracing Our Future
- Visit our new online store, where everyone is #EMRAFamily this year, eligible for EMRA Member discounts on all our offerings.
- Join us for EMRA events in Las Vegas:
- Browse the EMRA Museum and Hall of Honor, to see your colleagues whose work built us into the EMRA you know today.
- Enjoy an art gallery with pieces created by your talented colleagues.
- Experience special interactive exhibits that show you some of the highlights of EMRA’s history.
- Join us for EMRA events in Las Vegas, including our ever-popular EMRA Residency Program Fair, EMRA Job & Fellowship Fair, SimWars, Quiz Show, leader networking, skills labs, and the EMRA Representative Council Fall Meeting.
Our members are incredibly talented! We are proud to display their artwork at the EMRA 50th anniversary Art Gallery at ACEP24. Join us from September 28 - October 1, and come see the beautiful works of art submitted for the art contest! Be part of the experience by casting your vote for the People’s Choice award!
Celebrate 50 years of EMRA and join us as we HONOR OUR PAST and EMBRACE OUR FUTURE. Walk down memory lane at the EMRA Hall of Honor at ACEP24. Gallery will be open from September 28 - October 1, don’t miss the opportunity to see how far EMRA has evolved in the past 50 years. Fun, interactive surprises await you!
Nothing says celebrate like a beautiful gala! We have many reasons to celebrate this year! But the biggest reason is coming together to celebrate 50 years of working hard to help our members become the best doctors they can be, the best leaders they can be, and EM become the best speciality it can be! Cheers to 50 years!
The night will be full of fun and culminate with the annual EMRA Party! Join us as we dance the night away at The House of Blues for an unforgettable night of camaraderie and jam-packed entertainment!
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Jun 05, 2018
EMRA Case-con
Case-con is poster presentation contest of interesting/notable emergency medicine cases. Presentations will include a 5-minute presentation followed by 2 minutes of group discussion. Presentations will be judged by a panel of EM residents and faculty. Three winners will be selected and awarded cash prizes!