Skill Demonstration Videos and Topics Pertaining to EM
Have you ever found yourself on a night shift, trying to remember the best technique to perform a procedure? Maybe you forgot it, maybe you’re not sure you learned it right the first time. We at EMRA feel the same way. Below is an EMRA Education Committee approved list of procedure videos. Beyond just a description of each procedure, these videos actually show you the proper and safe technique to keep your patient safe. They come from many different sources, and are all of high quality.
Enjoy and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
EMRA Education CommitteeAirway/Pulm
- ET extubation (George O. RRT | NEJM)
- LMA in medical emergencies (EM:RAP | NEJM | Marhaba2000 | TamingTheSRU)
- Fiberoptic intubation (EM:RAP | NEJM | TamingTheSRU | TamingTheSRU2)
- Nasopharyngoscopy (SMACC)
- Intubating LMA (SMACC)
- Cricothyroidotomy (EM:RAP)
- Exam of larynx and pharynx (NEJM)
- Pulm art catheterization (NEJM)
- Needle aspiration of primary spontaneous ptx (CU Basic Emergency Care)
- Monitoring ventilation w/ capnography (NEJM)
- Pulse oximetry (NEJM)
- Arterial puncture for blood gas analysis (NEJM)
- Chest tube insertion (EM:RAP)
- Bag Valve Mask (EMT & Fire Training | Ruben Strayer)
- Orotracheal intubation (NEJM)
- NG intubation (NEJM)
- Thoracentesis (EM:RAP)
- Tube thoracostomy (EM:RAP)
- Pigtail thoracostomy (EM:RAP)
- Needle thoracostomy (Mellick | TamingTheSRU)
- Finger thoracostomy (TamingTheSRU)
- Meconium Aspirator for GI Bleed (Mt. Sinai)
- OPA insertion (EMT & Fire Training)
- NPA insertion (EMT & Fire Training)
- Suction (EMT & Fire Training)
- Ventilator for Reoxygenation (EMCrit)
- Using a Bougie (HQMedEd)
- Percutaneous ventilation (EM:RAP)
- Topical anesthesia of the airway (EM:RAP)
- US guided radial arterial catheter (NEJM)
- Insertion of IOs (EM:RAP)
- US guided PIV placement (NEJM)
- US guided IJ cannulation (NEJM)
- PIV cannulation (NEJM)
- Central venous catheterization: subclavian (NEJM)
- Placement of a femoral venous catheter (NEJM)
- Placement of arterial line (EM:RAP)
- EKG monitoring (NEJM)
- Emergency pericardiocentesis (NEJM)
- Thoracotomy (UMEM | Mellick)
- Finding Echo windows (EchoVTutorials)
- External pacing/Transcutaneous pacing (Duke | AEMT)
- Transvenous pacing (EM:RAP)
Foreign Bodies
- Removal of Foreign Bodies from the Ear and Nose (DR. MZM | Mellick)
- Katz Extractor and Nasal Foreign Body Removal (Mellick)
- Pencil Eraser Removal from Ear (Mellick)
- Fish Hook Removal (Mellick)
- Blakemore Tube Placement for Massive Upper GI Hemorrhage (EM:RAP)
- G-tube exchange (EM:RAP)
- Paracentesis (EM:RAP)
- Minnesota Tube (SMACC)
- NG tube insertion (Sacchetti)
- Rectal prolaps reduction (EM:RAP)
- Excision of thrombosed hemorrhoid (EM:RAP)
- Suprapubic bladder aspiration (EM:RAP)
- Urethral catheterization in girls (NEJM)
- Female urethral catheterization (NEJM)
- Pelvic Exam (NEJM)
- Male urethral cauterization (NEJM)
- Priapism - Intracavernous aspiration (Mellick)
- Continuous bladder irrigation (Sacchetti)
- IUD removal (ACOG)
- Complicated IUD removal: strings not visible; part of IUD remains in uterus (ACOG)
- Paraphimosis reduction (EM:RAP)
- Bartholin abscess I&D (EM:RAP)
Peds - Parth
- PICC placement in neonate (NEJM)
- Procedural sedation and analgesia in children (PMP)
- Neonatal circumcision (NEJM)
- IO catheter placement in children (UNMC)
- Tympanocentesis in children with AOM (NEJM)
- Catheterization of urethra in male children (NEJM)
- Umbilical vascular catheterization (PediaLink)
- Lumbar Puncture in children (PediaLink)
MSK (Parth)
- Reduction of pulled elbow (EM:RAP)
- Repositioning dislocated TMJ (EM:RAP | EM:RAP)
- Pelvic stabilization s/p trauma (EM:RAP)
- Clinical eval of knee (Stanford)
- Basic splinting (NEJM)
- Arthrocentesis of knee (EM:RAP)
- Arthrocentesis of wrist (EM:RAP)
- Arthrocentesis of elbow (EM:RAP | EM:RAP)
- Arthrocentesis of MTP (Mellick)
- Thompson test to evaluate Achilles tendon injury (EM:RAP)
- Humeral head fracture reduction (Mellick)
- Inferioir Shoulder dislocation reduction (EM:RAP)
- Anterior Shoulder dislocation reduction (EM:RAP)
- Posterior Shoulder dislocation reduction (EM:RAP)
- Ankle dislocation reduction (EM:RAP)
- Boxer Fracture Reduction and splinting (Mellick)
- Forearm fracture reduction and splinting (Mellick)
- Open lower leg fracture reduction (Mellick)
- Thumb dislocation reduction (Mellick)
- Nursemaid’s elbow reduction (EM:RAP)
- Wrist Fracture (Mellick)
- Hip dislocation reduction (EM:RAP)
- Trigger point injection (Mellick)
- Distal radius fracture reduction & hematoma block (Mellick)
- Dislocated toe reduction (Mellick)
- Subacromial bursa injection (EM:RAP)
- Calcium hydroxide for tooth fracture (EM:RAP)
- Reimplantation of avulsed tooth (EM:RAP)
- Dental splint (EM:RAP)
- Punch biopsy of skin (Univ of Queensland)
- Supraperiosteal nerve block (EM:RAP)
- Greater auricular and lesser occipital nerve blocks (EM:RAP)
- Alveolar nerve blocks (Mellick)
- Facial Nerve Blocks: Overview (NUEM)
- Supraorbital Nerve block:
- Infraorbital Nerve block (Lin)
- Mental Nerve block (Taming The Sru)
- Oral nerve blocks (NUEM)
- Mental nerve block (WikEM)
- Digital block (CoreEM | Sacchetti)
- Paraspinous block (Sacchetti)
- Occipital Nerve Block (EM:RAP)
- Sphenopalatine Ganglion block (ALiEM | EM:RAP)
- Fascia iliaca block (Core US)
- Adductor Canal block (ACEP | Practical Anesthesia)
- Superficial Cervical Block (Core US)
- Interscalene block (Core US)
- Serratus Anterior Block (Core US)
- Forearm Blocks
- Posterior Tibial Nerve Block (Core US)
- Sciatic Nerve Block (Core US)
- EM Eye exam (ALiEM)
- Visual acuity exam (ALiEM)
- Slit Lamp (ALiEM)
- Tonometry (ALiEM)
- Lateral canthotomy (EM:RAP)
- Removing corneal foreign body (Root Atlas)
- Retrobulbar injection (Eye Rounds)
- Panoptic (Sobolewski)
- POCUS for retinal detachment (EM:RAP)
- Treatment of septal hematoma (NEJM)
- Diagnosis OM - otoscopy and cerumen removal (Mellick | NEJM)
- ABIs (Stanford Medicine 25)
- Abscess I&D (EM:RAP)
- Basic lac repair (EM:RAP)
- LP pediatric (Sacchetti)
- Nail trephination (EM:RAP)
- Nail Bed Laceration Repair (EM:RAP)
- Dry Socket /Alveolar Osteitis Packing (Mellick)
- Nasal packing (EM:RAP | EM:RAP)
- Dix Hallpike/Epley (ALiEM)
- Burr Holes (EM:RAP)
- Felon Incision and Drainage (EM:RAP)
- Paronychia Incision and Drainage (EM:RAP)
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