Recommended Blogs and Podcasts
FOAM and External Search Available
Overwhelmed by the amount of content out there? EMRA consolidates and indexes over 55 EM related blogs, podcasts, journals, and other FOAMed content.
Basic EM Resources

ACEP Frontline Podcast
Hot topics in emergency medicine, a new episode on the first Tuesday of every month. Hosted by Ryan Stanton, MD, FACEP. #FOAM
Type: Podcast
Subscribe today on iTunes

EM Over Easy Podcast
Our goal is to push the conversation of medicine and medical education beyond the clinical gestalts and testing (#MoreThanMedicine). We are here to add levity and real world experience to the #FOAMed and EM world, one breakfast conversation at a time. Hosted by Andy Little, DO, FACEP; Tanner Gronowski, DO; and Drew Kalnow, DO, FACEP, EMT-P.
Type: Podcast
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ACEP SA Replay
Hot topics in emergency medicine, a new episode on the first Tuesday of every month. Hosted by Ryan Stanton, MD, FACEP. #FOAM
Type: Podcast
Subscribe Today on iTunes
EM Basic
EM Basic is made for medical students and emergency medicine interns to review the basics of emergency medicine. Each podcast starts exactly how a patient interaction in the ED starts- with a chief complaint. From there, we’ll go over the important points of the patient’s history and physical exam, the workup, and the basic treatment and disposition of each chief complaint that you will encounter in the ED all in ~30 minute easy to digest audio podcasts.
Type: Blog and Podcast
Go to EM Basic Bootcamp
Emergency Medical Minute Podcast
Our Medical Minutes, recorded live directly in the ER, provide quick educational pearls for those moments when you’re short on time.
Type: Podcast
Listen on Apple Podcasts
Flipped EM
The flipped classroom model is based on reversing the traditional approach to teaching. Normally, what we’re all accustomed to is sitting a lecture hall while students passively receive information from the instructor. There is no interactivity for teacher or learners. After each class, homework is assigned and completed by learners in isolation.
Type: Video Podcast
See Flipped EM TopicsCritical Care Resources

Critical Care Perspectives in EM
CCPEM is an exciting audio program dedicated to the intersection of emergency medicine and critical care. CCPEM provides insightful, penetrating commentary on topics pertaining to this fast-moving and high-stakes arena. Of note: CME is available!
Type: Podcast
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EMCrit Blog and Podcast
EMCrit is devoted to maximally aggressive care—both curative and palliative!
Every two weeks we post a podcast on resuscitation and acute critical care. In between, you’ll find posts and short form audio from the EMCrit team on all things emergency medicine and critical care.
We have been producing content for > 12 years and have accumulated the most comprehensive trove of resources for cutting-edge care of the sickest patients.
Type: Blog and Podcast
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Pulm CCM
PulmCCM launched in 2012 as a solution to these related problems of information overload and "journal fragmentation." The mission is simple: make your life easier by helping you stay sharp and up-to-date in pulmonary & critical care in the most efficient way
Go to PulmCCM
Rage Podcast
Resuscitationist's Awesome Guide to Everything
RAGE features panel discussions, interviews with experts, shout outs and insights from #FOAMcc and the wider critical care-iverse, not to mention various quirky segments on medical history, trivia and more.
Type: Podcast
Go to RageEMS / Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine

Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine
The aim of this blog/podcast is to discuss and debate prehospital and retrieval medicine–its current practice and controversies. Bringing critical care out of the hospital.
Type: Blog/Podcast
Go To PHARMEvidence-based Medicine

Best BETs
Best Evidence Topic reviews (BETs) were developed in the Emergency Department of Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK, to provide rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature.
Type: Website
Go To Best BETS
Emergency Medicine Literature of Note
Maintained by Ryan P. Radecki, MD MS FACEP that gives you short snippets of current and pertinent articles pertaining to emergency medicine. Ryan critically appraises each article, highlights the important parts of the article,and lashes out at the pitiful parts Ryand and his guests cover topics of interest to integrity of scientific research and Emergency Medicine.
Go To EM Literature of Note
EM Nerd
Rory Spiegel is a self proclaimed nerd and is an attending physician at The University of Maryland Department of Emergency Medicine, recent Resuscitation Fellow at Stony Brook Hospital in the Department of Emergency Medicine, and soon to be Critical Care Fellow.
These are his "nihilistic ramblings."
Type: Blog
A Sub Blog of EMCrit.
Go To EM Nerd
The NNT (Number Needed to Treat)
There is a way of understanding how much modern medicine has to offer individual patients. It is a simple statistical concept called the “Number-Needed-to-Treat”, or for short the ‘NNT’.
The NNT is maintained by a group of physicians that have developed a framework and rating system to evaluate therapies based on their patient-important benefits and harms as well as a system to evaluate diagnostics by patient sign, symptom, lab test or study.
Type: Blog
Go To NNTGeneral Emergency Medicine Blogs and Podcasts

Academic Life in EM
ALiEM is a a virtually-based, social enterprise, medical education startup focused on health professions education, career development, and community building.
Type: Blog / Podcast
Go to Blog
Come for the stems, stay for the content.
Each episode is free, 10-12 minutes, and efficiently covers a board relevant topic. Always available for download or streaming. The outrageous question stems help retention of high yield concepts, and the banter between the hosts passes the time.
Type: Podcast
Go to iTunes
EM Cases
Emergency Medicine Cases (EM Cases) is a free online medical education podcast, medical blog and website dedicated to providing online emergency medicine education and CME for physicians, residents, students nurses and paramedics. EM Cases is Canada’s most listened to emergency medicine podcast with thousands of subscribers, well over 3.5 million podcast downloads since 2010 and are proudly part of the #FOAMed community.
Type: Blog / Podcast
Go to EMCases
EM Clerkship
Emergency Medicine for students. Hosted by Zack Olson, and ranked in the top 75 of Emergency Medicine Blogs and Websites. Updates usually happen weekly.
Type: Blog
Go to EM Clerkship
emDocs blog is composed of a group of seven emergency physicians who want to provide a truly current resource for the rapidly developing field of emergency medicine. emDocs blog subscribes to the free, open-access medical education initiative, and the goal is to inform the global EM community with timely and high yield content about what providers like YOU are seeing and doing everyday in your local ED.
Type: Blog
Em Ed Blog
In practice, patients may have a limited ability to express their symptomatology, have a difficult physical examination, have a rare presentation of a common disease, etc. In practice, patients may have a limited ability to express their symptomatology, have a difficult physical examination, have a rare presentation of a common disease, etc.
Type: Blog
Go To EM ed
Emergency Medicine Ireland
EM Ireland exists to hopefully foster education, reflection, enthusiasm, conversation and hopefully a sense of humour in emergency medicine in Ireland.
Type: Blog
Go to EM Ireland
Made by students, for students. A healthy dose of emergency medicine ideas, information and inspiration for medical students
Type: Podcast/Blog
Go to EMIG Cast
Developed exclusively by and for emergency medicine clinicians, EB Medicine’s EMplify podcast makes it easy to stay up to date while on the go. Listeners say EMplify is, “easy to listen to,” “entertaining,” and “full of concise, evidence-based reviews.”
Learn moreType: Podcast
Go to EMPlify on iTunes
EM:RAP is a monthly podcast heard by over 18,000 of your colleagues. It’s filled with superb educational content, lectures, in-studio productions, reviews and perspectives all in a fun filled, tongue-in-cheek format.
Students, residents, and fellows: receive complimentary access to EMRAP.
Alumni: discounted pricing the first year out of residency.
Type: Podcast
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ERcast demystifies the anxiety-inducing aspects of emergency medicine, normalizes the seeming insanity of the job, and dissects the practices and thought processes of masters in the field. High-yield, digestible and always relevant monthly episodes with CME.
Type: Podcast
Go to ERcast
FOAMcast believes in the educational merits of Free Open Access Medical education (FOAM), which includes podcasts, blogs, articles on PubMed Central, conferences streamed for free and more. On this podcast FOAMcast reviews FOAM and tie it to core content, providing some review and references for listeners to read on their own, as well as board review questions donated by Adam Rosh of the Rosh Review.
Type: Blog
Go to FOAMcast
HQMedEd - High Quality Medical Education Blog hosts a wide range of blogs and video blogs.
Type: Blog and Video Blog
Go to HQMedEd
Journal Feed
Better patient care through spoon-feeding. Get an expert summary of one key article delivered daily. Each day, we spoon-feed a quick, peer-reviewed, expert summary of one key EM article from EM relevant journals.
Go to Journal Feed
Life In The Fast Lane
Life in the Fast Lane was born out of an intense desire to procrastinate and to to facilitate the learning process by providing diverse and hopefully entertaining reading material.
Type: Blog
R.E.B.E.L. EM stands for Rational Evidence Based Evaluation of Literature in Emergency Medicine. We cover a myriad of topics, primarily focusing on evidence-based clinical topics, ECG cases, and high-yield exam review.
Type: Blog
Go to Rebel EM
The goal of the SGEM is to cut the knowledge translation window from over 10 years down to less than 1 year. It does this by using social media to provide you with high quality, clinically relevant, critically appraised, evidence based information.
Type: Blog and Podcast
St.Emlyns is a collection of people and projects aimed at improving Emergency Medicine through free and open access education #FOAMed. "In reality we are a team of Emergency Physicians, friends and colleagues interested in medical education, emergency medicine and critical care. We blog because education matters."'
Go to St Emlyns EM Blog

Urgent Matters serves as a dissemination vehicle for strategies on emergency department (ED) patient flow and quality. Podcasts feature interviews with healthcare innovators who are changing and improving emergency care.
Urgent Matters on iTunesInterpretive Resources

Dr Smith's ECG Blog
Instructive ECGs in Emergency Medicine Clinical Context. Dr. Stephen W. Smith is a faculty physician in the Emergency Medicine Residency at Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) in Minneapolis, MN, and Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Minnesota.
Go to Dr Smiths ECG Blog
SonoSpot: Topics in Bedside Ultrasound is a place where the interesting, funny, cool and geeky meet to share their tips/tricks/knowledge of and adventures with bedside focused EM ultrasound. A place to highlight cases, applications and prominent people in bedside US education and research.
Type: Blog (Last post 2014)
Go to Sonospot
Listen to a well done ultrasound podcast similar to the podcasts out there such as EMRAP, EMcrit, and ERCAST. Originally created by Dr. Matt Dawson, Director of Point of Care Ultrasound at the University of Kentucky, and Dr. Mike Mallin, Director of Emergency Ultrasound and Director of Education at the University of Utah.
Type: Video Podcast
Go to UltrasoundPodcast
DFTB is a Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) resource for paediatrics; it's a practical, high-quality paediatric educational resource. DFTB does this through collaboration – getting more people involved in creating online content and FOAM, for junior doctors, trainees and Paediatricians.
Type: Blog
Go to DFTB is focussed on Emergency Medicine and Paediatric Emergency Medicine webucation. We hope to keep you a little bit interested, a little bit educated, and occasionally amused.
Type: Podcast (Last post 2014)
Go to EMPEM Site
Pediatric EM Morsels
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Educational morsels and pearls to help augment comfort when caring for kids. Enhance and refine your understanding of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and augment the care of pediatric patients.
Type: Blog
Go to Ped EM Morsels
PEM Academy
A collaborative, accessible learning resource that supplements what we already do at the bedside, in didactics, and through textbooks. Formerly Emergency Bear Treats, this site has grown out of collaboration between PEM divisions at Children’s National Medical Center and INOVA Children’s Hospital.
Type: Blog, Website
Go to PEM Academy
Topical and top-of-mind thoughts on pediatric emergency medicine from Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd, an Associate Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and an Assistant Director for the Pediatric Residency Training Program at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
Type: Blog
Go to PEMBlog

PEM Currents
A podcast devoted to pediatric medicine from Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd, an Associate Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and an Assistant Director for the Pediatric Residency Training Program at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
Type: Blog
Go to PEM Currents

PEM ED Podcast
PEM ED is an acronym for: Pediatric Emergency Medicine an Educational and Directional Podcast for the general emergency medicine physician. It is designed to give the general emergency medicine practitioner an in-depth review of key concepts paramount to the care of the pediatric patient in an emergency department setting.
Type: Blog and Podcast. (Last updated 2015)
Pediatric EM UK
CEM Curriculum based collection of Pediatric Emergency Medicine content.
Type: Blog
Go to Peds EM UK Blog
Toxicology Blogs and Podcasts

Tox Talk
ToxTalk is a toxicology podcast produced by Matt Zuckerman and made possible by contributions from the Division of Toxicology, Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. It’s mission is to create a fun and educational resource for health care providers about the world of toxicology.
Type: Podcast
Go to Tox Talk - Tox Now
The Poison Review
The Poison Review attempts to capture some of the variety, fun, and scientific rigor of our regular toxicology teaching rounds in Chicago. These sessions can cover anything from evaluation of the latest journal articles related to poisoning, toxicology in the news or in popular media, historical topics, musical tox . . . etc etc. Toxicology is probably the medical specialty with the most interaction between the clinical and the general culture — it’s where science meets the zeitgeist. We hope that this blog captures some of that interaction.
Type: Blog
Go To TPRTrauma Blog
Trauma Pro
The Trauma Professional's Blog provides information on injury-related topics to trauma professionals. It is written by Michael McGonigal MD, the Director of Trauma Services at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, MN. Regions is a Level I Adult Trauma Center, and has partnered with Gillette Children's Specialty Hospital to become the first Level I Pediatric Trauma Center in the Upper Midwest.
Type: Blog
Go To TraumaPro
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