EMRA*Cast Host
Kim Bambach, MD
Medical Education Fellow
Interim Assistant Director of the Kiehl Wellness Endowment
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Twitter: @kimbambach
EMRA*Cast Episodes
Med-Ed Soundbite: Small Group Learning
Feb. 1, 2022
What's the key to outstanding medical education? Host Kim Bambach, MD, showcases some pearls from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center's Allison Beaulieu, MD; Andrew Kendle, MD; Lauren Willoughby, MD; Ryan O'Neill, MD; and Geremiha Emerson, MD.
Battling COVID Burnout in Emergency Medicine
Oct. 3, 2021
With COVID surging, shifts in the emergency department have been rough, to say the least, and our wellness is more important than ever. This episode is all about burnout, self-compassion, and resilience - what we can do for ourselves, our patients, and each other. Host Kim Bambach gets insight from renowned wellness expert Al'ai Alvarez.
ABEM Oral Board Exam: How to Play the Role and Pass the Test
July 15, 2021
You crushed the written exam, and now the only thing standing between you and your ABEM certification is oral boards. How do you prep - especially for a virtual test? Host Kim Bambach, MD, reviews pearls & pitfalls with guests Krystin Miller, MD, and Jennifer Yee, DO.
Aging in the ER: Geriatric Emergency Medicine
April 15, 2021
This topic never gets old! Whether you realize it or not, geriatrics is probably a large part of your practice, especially when it comes to high-complexity, high-acuity emergency medicine. Dr. Lauren Southerland will teach us what we can do to better care for older adults. We'll also discuss how to get involved at the national level and how to pursue a career in geriatric EM if you want to go a step further.
Hot Topics: Climate Change, Health Policy, and Emergency Medicine
Feb. 1, 2021
Let's discuss a few hot topics: How do rising temperatures affect emergency medicine and the health of your patients? In this episode we sit down with Dr. Caitlin Rublee to discuss bugs, drugs, plants, and people. We connect the dots to show how climate change relates to social emergency medicine and what we can do as leaders to engage in health policy and take action to protect our patients!
Imposter Syndrome
Nov. 1, 2020
Do you ever feel like a fake, a fraud? Imposter syndrome can make you feel a pervasive sense of intellectual fraudulence, despite all the evidence to the contrary. In this episode, Dr. Kim Bambach discusses imposter syndrome with Dr. Jaime Hope including strategies that you can use to combat it.
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PD Interview Saks at Crozer Chester
In the latest installment of our PD Q&A series, we are highlighting the Crozer Chester Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residency program. We spoke with the current PD Dr. Mark Saks, MD, about what makes his program unique and what he looks for in potential residents.

Apr 04, 2023
Not Just a URI: Serious Complications With Sinusitis
This case demonstrates the serious complications that can accompany sinusitis, including orbital cellulitis and septic thromboembolism with intracranial abscess. Rhinosinusitis, defined as inflammation of the mucosal lining of the nasopharynx and sinuses, is most commonly caused by a viral infection. Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS) most commonly occurs when there is a secondary infection of the sinuses.

Jan 26, 2023
Tips for Palliative Medicine Consults in the ED
Although most evaluations and interventions focus on providing life-sustaining interventions in the ED, emergency physicians must also be prepared to provide proper care to individuals who may not benefit from the introduction of life-sustaining interventions. Emergency physicians must have knowledge of palliative care and must be able to perform palliative care when indicated. In specific situations, a palliative care consultation may be helpful in initiating and coordinating care for patients who would benefit.