Match, Medical Students

SOAP Pearls and Pitfalls for Emergency Medicine Applicants

If you didn't match on Monday, it's time to pivot - not stop.

We've gathered some high-yield resources to help you and your advisor tackle the next steps after reading, "We're sorry." 

2025 SOAP Guides for Residency Applicants and Programs

The NRMP partnered with the AAMC ERAS Program and ResidencyCAS to create these 2025 Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program Guides.

What If I Don’t Match?

EMRA and CORD joined forces to walk you through an application debrief and SOAP primer, written specifically for EM-bound applicants. This is from the EMRA and CORD Student Advising Guide, written by EM faculty and residents, then vetted by medical students so you know the information is exactly what you need.

No-Match Monday

CORD has gathered even more pearls and pitfalls to help you chart your path if you don't get the hoped-for news on Match Monday.

Lord NRMP Match

Not matching feels awful - but it can help to know you're not alone in this. Get some advice and encouragement from someone who has been through the stress of SOAP - and has come out the other side.

You Didn’t Match?

Again, just as peers understand your predicament, so do the faculty in this amazing specialty. When you just need to be bolstered, get yet another perspective on the marathon that is your medical career.

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Critical Care Alert: Measuring Lactate vs. Capillary Refill in Guiding Resuscitation in Shock: Is there a difference?

When trying to resuscitate patients with septic shock, which offers better guidance for intervention: measuring capillary refill or trending lactate levels? The Andromeda SHOCK trial studied patients