Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee

Wellness Leaders


Diana Gregoriou, MD

Mount Sinai

Chair Elect

Coral Byrns, DO

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Vice Chair

Sarah Beth Hanna, DO

Integris Health Southwest Medical Center

Vice Chair

Melina Kanji, MD

North East Georgia Medical Center

Secretary/Editor, EM Resident

Morgan Sweere, MD, MPH

UF Jacksonville
Jacksonville, FL
Contact Morgan


Diana Gregoriou, MD

Mount Sinai

Chair Elect

Coral Byrns, DO

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Vice Chair

Sarah Beth Hanna, DO

Integris Health Southwest Medical Center

Vice Chair

Melina Kanji, MD

North East Georgia Medical Center

Secretary/Editor, EM Resident

Morgan Sweere, MD, MPH

UF Jacksonville
Jacksonville, FL
Contact Morgan

Creative Well-Being Workshop

When: December 15th, 6-7 PM CT

What you need: Basic art supplies: crayons, markers, pens or colored pencils will do.

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Fresh-Baked COVID-19 Updates with EMRA and Brief19

First, Dr. Kimi Chernoby will help us all with some quarantine wellness by walking us through a bread dough prep, and then the Brief-19 team will answer your COVID-19 Health Policy and Research questions (you can submit your questions when you register for the call!)

Kimi Chernoby, MD, JD, MA
Editor, Policy Briefs | Brief19
Chief Resident
Emergency Medicine

Indiana University

Jermey Faust, MD, MS, MA
Editor-In-Chief, Policy Breifs | Brief19
Emergency Physician
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Joshua Niforatos, MD, MTS
Editor, Research Briefs | Brief19
Emergency Medicine
Johns Hopkins 

Watch Now

COVID-19 Wellness Resources

From the EMRA Wellness Committee:  In these difficult times, we would like to bring together the EM community and share ways we are supporting our personal wellness in the hope it helps or inspires others within the field.

In addition, we would like to share three great resources we have come across:

  1. The Healthcare Provider Wellness Support website with links to resources ranging from free food to streaming workouts. The creator is actively looking for additions and would love to hear from you!
  2. Remember that EMRA members get free, confidential counseling or wellness coaching sessions, 24 hours a day.
  3. Physician Support Line: Psychiatrists helping our US physician colleagues and medical students navigate the many intersections of our personal and professional lives. Free & Confidential | No appointment necessary. Open 7 days a week | 8:00AM - 1:00AM ET
    1 (888) 409-0141

Committee Objectives

  • Assist the EMRA Board of Directors in planning activities for every Wellness Week.
  • Continue to update the EMRA Wellness Toolkit to be posted on the website and serve as a “best practices” model for residencies in developing wellness curriculums.
  • Contribute to wellness column in EM Resident magazine & monthly wellness tips in What’s Up in EM newsletter.
  • Liaise amongst the other organizations (ACEP, CORD, etc) to strengthen residency wellness and be the residency voice in those organizations.
  • Continue to collect materials to help build EMRA’s Wellness Committee webpage, complete with a collection of high-yield, useful, engaging pieces on resident / physician wellness that our members will find useful.
  • Establish an online Wellness Forum — a virtual space for residents and students to talk to each other, identified or anonymously, to process tough cases, relate to each other’s struggles, ask for and offer advice, etc.
  • Participate in EMRA Hangouts.
  • Continue with annual activities at CORD Academic Assembly, similar to the 2018 event, EMRA Art Therapy Experience.
  • In all things, actively contribute to a culture shift in EM centered on wellness, with the aim of creating a community of physicians who view prioritizing wellness as a strength instead of a weakness and are willing to openly share their experiences and support each other.

Joining EMRA Committees is easy and FREE.

Just log into your EMRA account, scan the QR code, or click the JOIN NOW button for the one(s) you wish to join.

EMRA Committees are all hosted on WhatsApp to help facilitate communication and collaboration in the smoothest way possible.

EMRA Wellness Guide

Published: March, 2018

Residency is one of the most challenging times in the career of a physician. In addition to the stressors of working in a fast-paced, high-acuity, and information-poor setting, emergency medicine (EM) residents also have limited autonomy when it comes to shift scheduling, clinical responsibilities, and even financial support. Our vision was to create an on-the-go and easy-to-use resource tailored for EM residents, who may not have the time or experience to know where to find answers to questions like, “How can I make my night shifts more bearable?” or “How do I recover and continue to take care of patients after a bad case?”

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ACEP Wellness Section

As a resident, you get joint memberships in both EMRA and ACEP - so make sure you're aware and informed of what the ACEP Wellness Section is doing!

When you set up your EMRA/ACEP membership, you get (2) section memberships for free - one to YPS, and one of your choice. Why not make that choice Wellness?

Additional ACEP section fees are half off - only $20!

Learn More
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Wellness Resources and Articles

The EMRA Wellness Committee maintains a list of resources around a variety of wellness topics.  

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Emergency Medicine Wellness Week

Each year, we want you to take time out for yourself and to recharge.  The long hours and difficult days make it even more important to take time for your own wellness.

Wellness Week

Verbal De-Escalation Pearls to Reduce Violence in the ED

The Wellness Committee hosted members of the New York City Fire Department during the spring 2020 committee meeting, held in conjunction with CORD Academic Assembly.

Use these pearls from the FDNY to de-escalate potentially violent situations in the ED.

Learn More

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