Browsing: Trauma

48-4 Unusual Tachycardia Image 1.jpeg
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus has traditionally been thought of as a rare condition. There is little data regarding its true incidence, but evidence suggests it is far more common than once believe
48-4 Compartment Syndrome Figures 1-4.png
Although substance-induced rhabdomyolysis has been widely reported, the progression to compartment syndrome is not frequently encountered and usually of multifactorial etiology. Rapid recognition of t
48-4 Stop the Bleed.jpg
Hemorrhage control programs such as Stop The Bleed remain a versatile option for responders of all backgrounds.
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Before the pandemic it was estimated that up to 10% of children visiting the ED were victims of child abuse or neglect. We must be on the lookout for these patients and have a high index of suspicion
48-3 Laryngeal Injury Figure 2.png
Tracheobronchial injury is a rare, but potentially life-threatening, complication of neck trauma. One bad hand of poker led to a 1-in-30,000 case presentation.
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Electrical injuries range in severity from minor cutaneous burns to life-threatening internal organ damage and death. These injuries account for at least 30,000 non-fatal incidents and 1,000 fatalitie
48-2 Trigeminocardiac Reflex.png
Epistaxis is a complaint that is frequently seen in the emergency department. As a physician, we took an oath to do no harm, but what if we end up doing more harm than good when managing epistaxis?
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The ED diagnosis of blunt cardiac injury is difficult, as trauma patients often have various concomitant injuries that may serve as distractors.
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Subcutaneous emphysema can be disguised as angioedema - as happened in this case that presented following a traumatic rib injury.
48-2 Hemoperitoneum Figure 1 .png
Hemoperitoneum during pregnancy is an emergent condition that places the mother and fetus at risk.