2022 - 2023 Simulation Committee Leader Spotlight

Catherine Yu, MD, Chair-Elect of the EMRA Simulation Committee, 2022-2023

Catherine Yu.jpgProgram: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal as an EMRA leader is to inspire others to get involved and explore their interests. I believe that we can all learn from each other and work together to make our specialty the best it can be.

If I weren't an Emergency Physician, I would be: A teacher or a wedding planner!

Top 3 traits of a great leader:
1. Open-mindedness
2. Transparency/fairness
3. Leader by example

Alessandra Della Porta, Chair-Elect of the EMRA Simulation Committee, 2022-2023

Allessandra Della Porta.jpgProgram: University of Cincinnati

Your goal as an EMRA leader: To learn and work with the brightest of our specialty and infect as many people as possible with a love for simulation

What is the best advice you've ever received? "Frustration is the emotion of learning"

What is something people don't know about you? I am an identical twin!

If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: A farmer surrounded by animals

Alaa Aldalati, Vice Chair of the EMRA Simulation Committee, 2022-2023

Alaa Aldalati.jpgProgram: Mayo Clinic

Your goal as an EMRA leader: To aid in delivering quality simulation to parts of the country who can't afford to have a simulation center. Hopefully one day, we can offer medical simulation to the world’s learners at their fingertips regardless of where they are.

What is the best advice you've ever received? "Everything happens according to the plan! It might be a different plan from your current one but it is the best one for you"

What is something people don't know about you? I haven't had a bad hair day in 14 years!

If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Wedding Planner/Photographer

Did you pick up a new quarantine hobby? Painting

What's on your playlist? Lots of Arabic music!

Sam Hertz, MD, Vice Chair of the EMRA Simulation Committee, 2022-2023

Sam Hertz.pgProgram: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Your goal as an EMRA leader: Contribute to residents getting involved in the creation and facilitation of simulations. The best way to really learn a topic is buy teaching it.

Top 3 traits of a great leader:
1. Trustworthy
2. Relatable
3. Hardworking

Favorite life hack for night shifts: Have a blackout room as cold as possible, use some white noise to help fall asleep

What's the last non-textbook you read? The Witcher series as an M4

What's on your playlist? Country Music

Jared Mugfor, DO, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA Simulation Committee, 2022-2023

Jared Mugfor.jpgProgram: Allegheny General Hospital

Your goal as an EMRA leader: To continue to grow our community and advance the field of Simulation

If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: A formula one driver

Did you pick up a new quarantine hobby? Joined a movement of people who ride a stationary bike in their living room

Favorite life hack for night shifts: A hefty supply of fruit snacks

What's the last non-textbook you read? Genius On the Edge

Jeanne Rabalais, MD, MHA, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA Simulation Committee, 2022-2023

Jeanne Rabalais.jpgProgram: University of Florida - Jacksonville

Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal as an EMRA leader is simple: to connect with diverse and mission-driven individuals and commit to making ourselves and our specialty better. It is my hope as an EMRA leader to further enhance this organization for the next generation of EM physicians.

If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: A party planner! I love to throw a good party, especially if there is a theme involved.

Did you pick up a new quarantine hobby? I met my boyfriend right before quarantine so I guess you could say dating. Also, cocktail making!

Favorite life hack for night shifts: Diet Dr. Pepper and Peanut Butter M&Ms.

What's the last non-textbook you read? Verity by Colleen Hoover

What's on your playlist? Currently, 2000s Alt Rock.

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